Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Minutes of April 16th, 2019, Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Minutes of April 16th, 2019, Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:00PM via telephone

Present: Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; James Tucker, Secretary.

Minutes of the August 28th, 2018 meeting were unanimously accepted.

Jean Heath presented the treasurer’s report. Bank balance as of 03/31/2019 is $15,074.72.  All association dues are paid at this time.

Discussion on road conditions and maintenance plan.
  • Discussion on who we should hire for road maintenance between Randy Madden and Herb Jordan.  We will evaluate who will be most available to maintain the roads to our standards.
  • Will be contacting Deb Bergeron at International Paper to see if they will be grading East Beddington Lake Road, due to their logging operations over the winter.
  • East Beddington Lake Road will need more gravel placed down near Route 9.
  • Will speak with Randy Madden about using his brush hog instead waiting for the brush to grow higher and needing the more expensive larger machine.
  • Annual Meeting has been set Saturday August 3rd, 2019. Peter said he would host the cookout after the meeting.
  • Peter is working with the law firm to implement changes consistent with the Bylaws vote at the annual meeting, relative to dues assessments when the annual meeting does not have a quorum.

The board agreed to meet again in June 2019.  Peter will send out a reminder.

Meeting adjourned 7:38PM.

Minutes of August 28, 2018, Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Minutes of August 28, 2018, Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:05PM via telephone

Present: Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; James Tucker, Secretary.

Minutes of the August 4th, 2018, Annual Meeting were unanimously accepted.

Jean Heath presented the treasurer’s report. Current bank balance is $11,308.61.

Discussion on road conditions and maintenance plan.
  • Rocks are popping up on many locations on East Beddington Lake Road, will have Randy Madden evaluate. Will evaluate in the spring and set time for road grading.
  • Discussion on conducting a second road grading annually.  This would occur in July if it is decided that we will go in that direction.
  • Evaluating the use of brush hog similar to what is used on the west side to clear road sides.

The board agreed to meet again in April 2019.  Peter will send out a reminder.

Meeting adjourned 7:36PM.