Saturday, May 08, 2010

Any Volunteers to Host the Annual Party?

We've traditionally held a party for association members after the annual meeting and it has been a really nice time. Past hosts have included the Lamarches, the Sullivans and the Tuckers (on multiple occasions). If we can identify someone interested in hosting the party after this year's meeting on August 7th, the board will include that information in the mailing for the annual meeting. The party is typically potluck and we've always had volunteers to help set up and clean up.

Please let us know if you'd be willing to host this year's party at your beautiful camp!

Peter Aten

Minutes to 4/13/2010 Board meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call

4/13/10, 7:00 pm

In attendance: Peter, Win, Jean


  1. Approve minutes of prior meeting (2/17/10)
  2. Treasurer’s report.
  3. Road Identification Project for Presentation to Association Members
  4. Annual Meeting Planning

1) Approve minutes of prior meeting Motion to accept: Win, Second Jean, Minutes approved unanimously.

2) Treasurer’s report: All dues paid. Account balance: $20,415.35. Win moves to accept, Peter seconds, all in favor.

3) Road Identification Project for Presentation to Association Members

Peter received correspondence from Dick Leeman, lot 18 questioning statement in minutes to 2/17 board meeting that Eagle Cove is not maintained past Tucker Lane. Dick indicated that this stretch has always been maintained. After thanking Dick for actually reading the Board meeting minutes, the Board discussed and agreed to determine whether this was the case through conversations with Herb Jordan, other lot owners and examination of the road. The Board also reiterated that it is not the intent to exclude anyone, just to maintain consistency with past precedent as per the Association vote at the initial meeting and each meeting since. If past discussions have been inaccurate, we will correct that.

Peter has sent correspondence to Herb Jordan asking for a quote on the various options of expanded road maintenance proposed in prior meetings. We don’t expect to have quotes until after routine maintenance is completed, and quite likely after mailing is due to go out. However, we should have it in time for annual meeting.

4) Annual Meeting Planning: Date: August 7, 2010

a) Reserve town hall for that date. Jean will contact the town office to do so.

b) Letter should go out mid June. Peter will calculate earliest date letter can be sent (Annual meeting minus 50 days). Content: Peter will draft letter from minutes and notes from conversations/meetings with Herb Jordan regarding the usual ongoing maintenance schedule, plus the pricing of options listed above. Group will fine tune. Mailing will also include Treasurer report and Proxy form.

Peter noted that when Board proposed a vote on a specific item, we have included an Absentee ballot. Win noted that absentee ballot works only on a yes/no basis, which is not the case here. Board agreed to provide proxy only.

5) Win: what is the policy of the paper company regarding camp owner use of gravel pits on East Beddington Lake Rd? Peter and Jean not sure. Win will identify a contact at the paper company and ask them.

6) Next meeting: Tuesday, May 18, 2010.

7:37 pm Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Peter Aten
