Sunday, December 22, 2019

Minutes of August 3, 2019 Annual Meeting

Minutes to August 3, 2019, Annual Meeting

10:01 a.m. introductory Q&A with Marie Marini, Selectperson,
Discussion focused on the increase in property taxes this year. Marie explained the mill rate has actually come down this year and is at 4.4%. 

Beddington was over charged by the school district by approximately $39,000.  The town was being charged for students that were not attending school. The town is now in the process of getting the funds returned.

The town just completed major repairs to Church Farm Road.

The town is currently conducting upgrades to town 911 addresses.

The Beddington Town website is being up graded to provide more information, such as board meeting minutes and other town information including important documents. Marie encouraged camp owners to attend town meetings, she stated we have the same rights, but can’t vote.

The town is currently looking to adjust building permits to reflect the state standard versus the stricter requirements now in place by the town.

The town is reviewing its mutual aid agreement with the Town of Dublois. We currently only have one certified firefighter in Beddington.

Meeting called to order at 10:43 a.m.  The Board was represented by Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; and Jim Tucker, Secretary.

Quorum confirmed with 26 lots represented in person or by proxy.

Prior Annual Meeting Minutes 
Motion to accept by David Hazard, seconded by Ethel Crowley. No Discussion. All in favor.

Treasurer’s Report 
Balance is $12,154.
Motion to accept by David Hazard, seconded by Ethel Crowley.

Road Maintenance discussion
Road grading was delayed this year due to very wet conditions. The second grading of the season will occur in approximately two weeks.

Signs have been put in place on Shorey Brook Hill “Don’t Spin Wheels” and new signs will be put at the bridge warning of single lane traffic.

Association Dues
Dues for the coming year were set at $50.  A discussion was entered into in regards to the challenges of getting a quorum at the annual meeting, and how annual dues would be managed in the absence of a quorum. Based on legal advice, Peter Aten motioned to accept the following resolution which provides the Board with the latitude to adjust annual dues as necessary in the absence of a quorum while also providing association members with an incentive to appear at the annual meeting or assign a proxy.

"The board proposes $50 as a per lot assessment for the coming year.  For the following year, we propose charging up to $150.  If we have a quorum at next year's meeting, we can vote on a specific amount at that time. In the absence of a quorum, the proposal for next year will continue indefinitely."

Motion seconded by Kevin Perry. Motion passed.

Board Elections
Win Stevens motioned that the current board stay in place for two more years. Seconded by Kevin Perry.  Motion Passed.

Other Business
Jim Tucker motioned to contribute $100 to the Beddington Volunteer Fire Department. Seconded by Marlene Sullivan.

With no other business, Peter Aten motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Ethel Crowley. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Annual cookout will be hosted by Peter and Carol Aten.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Tucker, Secretary