Saturday, July 18, 2020

Minutes of June 10, 2020 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Minutes of June 10th, 2020, Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:04PM via telephone

Present: Peter Aten, President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; James Tucker, Secretary.

Minutes of the February 24th, 2020, Meeting were unanimously accepted.

Jean Heath presented the treasurer’s report. Bank balance as of 06/10/2020 is $15,375.00.  All association dues are paid at this time.

Discussion on road conditions and maintenance plan.
Spring road grading this year came out much better than last year. This was due in part by having a soaking rain shortly after the grading was complete, which helped repack the gravel.
The road conditions will be re-evaluated in August to determine if a second grading will be needed.
No major areas of concern have been identified with any BLERMA roads.

The 2020 annual meeting is planned for Saturday, August 1at 10:00am. Due to Covid-19, the meeting will be conducted via Zoom video conference.  Peter will address this in detail with the annual newsletter.

Meeting adjourned 7:43PM.