Monday, June 22, 2009

High Water at Beddington Lake

As most of you already know it's been raining in Maine for the last week and rain is forecast till the end of this week (6/26). But do you know how high the lake really is? This photo of Brian Govang's dock was take this morning (6/22) The back wheels of the dock are generally only 6" from the beach. Now he'd have to swim to it.

Do you have information or photos to post? Send it to walkeraten (at)!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

minutes to 6/2/09 Board meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Telephone Conference, 6-2-2009, 7:05pm

In attendance: Peter, Marlene, Brian, Marty


1) Approve Minutes of 5/5/09 meeting

2) Slate of Officers

3) Annual Dues Amount

4) Annual Meeting Logistics

1) Approve Minutes of 5/5/09 meeting

Minutes approved via email.

2) Dave Hazard for Vice President (37) and Jean Heath (38) for Treasurer

Brian recommends they be invited to next telephone board meeting. Thanks to Marlene and Brian for their work in recruiting. Brian will invite them.

3) Annual Dues Amount

Strategy has been to maintain a balance to be prepared for a major repair (such as the Shorey Brook culvert) . Discussion ensues regarding reducing assessment and determining a formula for setting the amount. In the past we've spent as follows: 2005 costs were only general admin costs. Bal at the end of 2005 was $6,841.04. 2006 was first year for expenses: $250 for admin. , maintenance was $5,083 in total costs. Bal at end of year was 10,187. This is two years of dues, after all costs. 2007 was a moderate year with almost $450 for admin and $3,875 for maint. Bal at end of year 14,620. 2008 $1,000 in admin services (legal fees associated with name change) $4,147 in maintenance. (All details are available in treasurer's reports.) Bal at end of year $18,204. So far for 2009 $505 for admin, $2,000 for road maintenance. Balance current is $15,068. It is anticipated that $1,000 will be come due for brush cutting and annual meeting mailing and misc. expenses. Peter calculates $80 per lot on an average year. That would mean $14,000 would be our target balance for emergencies. But, with inflation we could end up having to increase...costs such as diesel. Perhaps should keep it at $100 so that wouldn't have to increase. Want to be considerate of people who are having difficult times, and multiple lot owners. We just want to be prepared for an emergency. Propose $100 and let the members decide.

4) Brian informed Phil White of meeting and told him that an invite would be coming. Marlene also spoke with Phil. Peter will send an invititation in writing.

Next meeting is: Wednesday, July 1 at 7 pm.


Brief Dave and Jean by reviewing the minutes of this meeting. Status on mailing, road maintenance and anything that comes up in the interim.

7:50 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Martha LaMarche

Recording Secretary

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Beddington Lake spring gets a new cover!

For at least two years now Mike & Marlene Sullivan (lot 33) and I (lot 40) have been talking about how bad the spring cover was getting. Almost falling in. Well this weekend it did and Mike and Marlene took immediate action. They both went up and cleaned out the spring hole and removed the remains of the old cover. They built an new cover and with a 'minor' assist from me we installed, painted it and reset the outlet hose. The new cover should now be good for another 10-15 years.

Great Job Mike-e & Marlene!!!!
Thanks to Brian Govang for the info & photos