Monday, July 20, 2009

Board meeting minutes from 7/1/09

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Telephone Conference, 7/1/2009, 7:00pm

In attendance: Peter Aten, Marlene Sullivan, Brian Govang
Absent: Marty LaMarche

1) Welcome Guests
The Board welcomed David Hazard and Jean Heath as guests, so they could see how the board operates and confirm their interest in serving on it.

2) Approve Minutes of 6/2/09 meeting
Minutes approved via email.

3) Road Maintenance
Marlene reported that the blueberry company graded road today. She suggested we send them a thank you note, and the Board agreed that was very appropriate. Marlene will attempt to identify a contact name to send the note to.

4) Treasurer’s Report
Brian reported that checks were written for the annual meeting mailing, check printing, and to Herb Jordan for $2031 for road maintenance. Brush cutting and the annual meeting donation are the only outstanding expenses for 2009.

5) Annual Meeting Logistics
Brian and Peter have received proxy forms. Board members have all received the annual meeting mailing. Very few RSVPs have been received for the post-meeting party. Marty confirmed that this was consistent with last year. The number of attendees seems pretty consistent from year to year.

6) Review of Annual Dues Amount
Brian suggested that the Board reconsider our recommendation for the annual
fee, and reduce it to $75 per lot. Per Brian’s calculations that should
cover expenses for an average year without reducing our overall balance.
Absent a significant unexpected expense, we should not need to adjust the
annual dues amount for a number of years. Other members agreed with this

7) Proposed Slate of Officers
Jean and Dave confirmed their interest in serving on the Board. Their names will be put forth on the slate of nominations at the annual meeting.

Next meeting is the annual meeting on Saturday, August 1 at 10:00am. Board members will arrive early to set up.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted.

Peter Aten

Thursday, July 02, 2009

New Fire Truck for Beddington

Great news for the dedicated members of the Beddingon Fire Dept
and all of us who are served by them!

Bangor Daily News 6/26/09
Veazie firefighter Nick Sirois (center) talks about the 1980 fire truck that his town gave to the town of Beddington with Beddington volunteer firefighters Chief Mike Loughlin (far left) and Ray Antunes at the Veazie fire station Friday. The Mack-built pumper truck that has served at the Veazie station for 29 years was recently replaced and the town council decided to give the older truck to another town that is in bad need of equipment. "It was a very hard process, because we received 50 applications," said Veazie Fire Chief Gerry Martin. "All of those towns could have used it, but we had to make a decision." Beddington town administrator Phillip White, who accompanied the firefighters to Veazie, said that it is great help for them. "It is a perfectly good firetruck, but we could not have raised the money to buy one, even used."