Thursday, August 22, 2024

Minutes to August 3, 2024 Annual Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association Annual Meeting

Date: 8/3/2024

Called to Order: 10:32

Quorum: Yes.

Minutes from last annual meeting approved.

Treasurer report:

  • One outstanding payment from lot 46 for association dues.
  • In the future, liens may be issued for lack of payment
  • Treasurer report approved.

Road Update:

  • The road is currently in great shape and is not in need of any work.
  • The road maintenance has been done 2 or 3 times already this year.
  • If needed in the fall, we will re-evaluate
  • We will have a contractor come evaluate and or work on Eagle Cove

No other non-maintenance issues.

The board is in support of keeping the dues at $50.  Motion: "I motion on behalf of the board a $50 per lot annual assessment for the coming year. For the following year, we propose charging up to $150. If we have a quorum as next year’s meeting we can vote on a specific amount at that time. In the absence of a quorum, the proposal for next year will continue indefinitely." Approved.

Motion to donate $100 to Beddington fire department approved.

Motion to donate $100 to Deblois fire department approved.

Meeting adjourned at 10:46.

Respectfully submitted, Sara Stevens

Town Meeting updates and changes – Jean (Selectboard Chair)


1. Dog has to be on a leash (if off your property)

2. Rental registration required if you have rental properties (our road has 1 or 2)

3. Fire department growing. 8-10 firefighters now.

4. Building without a permit will result in a fine. (Following DEP and shoreline

zoning rules and regulations)

5. 1 year moratorium to any high-tension power lines.

6. 1 year moratorium to any commercial solar fields

7. Mill rate Taxes went from 6.4 (last year) to 8.1 this year. There are 10 students in

school this year.

8. Dump stickers are coming (they are going to be blue this year). Red stickers are

still good until blue ones have been in distribution for one month.

9. 10, 16, 17 lots Possible land use change from resource protection

a. For example Jean has been working with land owners who were in that

classification (green on the map) who need to build 250 feet from the

water. To buildable lakeside limited residential (yellow on map – can build

100 feet from the water.) Process takes at least 1 year to monitor any

changes and town meeting approval. Planning board has meeting and

needs to approve. Then DEP also has to approve it with all municipal due


10:31 Municipal update complete


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