Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Cherryfield Dump Disposal Stickers and Fees

From: Beddington Town Office

To: All Residents and Non-resident camp owners

Reference: New Cherryfield Dump Disposal Stickers and Fees. Change in Days of operation to Fridays and Saturdays effective October 4, 2008.

Starting on October 4, 2008 the Cherryfield Dump will be open on Fridays and Saturdays from 8am to 4pm.

New Dump fees will then apply to all users for the following items,

1. Car and pick-up tires $5.00 each
2. Truck tires $10.00 each
3. Refrigerators $20.00 each
4. Demolition Debris
A. Pick-up load $30.00 each
B. Utility trailer load $45.00 each
C. 7yd. Dump $345.00 each
D. 14yd. Dump $690.00 each
5. Asphalt Shingles
Pick-up load $123.00 each

House hold waste No Fee

No tires with rims and No tractor tires.
No Computer waste, No TVs. (this material may be taken to Pleasant River waste in Columbia Falls).

New Dump stickers will be issued to Beddington users on October 1 & 2 at the town office between 7 and 8pm on both days. Non-resident users will receive a form to fill out for a sticker with their tax bills or they may contact the town office if they are in the area for a sticker.

Contact Phil White with any questions at 638-2514 (town office) or 638-3132 (home phone).

Minutes to 9/17/08 Board meeting

Board Meeting Minutes
Telephone Conference, 9-17-2008, 7pm
In attendance: Peter Aten, Marlene Sullivan, Brian Govang, Marty LaMarche

1) Status of revised documents
2) Spruce Mountain property and Marlene’s conversation with Debbie at SFC

1. Documents
Peter: Thanks to Brian and Marty for putting docs together for attorney and website.
Brian: Did not read word for word through document to look for errors…recommend board
proofread documents. (Marty and Peter will coordinate proof reading. Peter has Adobe program
to read pdf.) Articles of Inc. mailed to Marty for retyping or scanning. Discussion regarding the
attachment section of the articles…Pg 3 of 3… Attachments … we have 3 pgs… begins
w/#5…is something missing? Covenants were reworded to be grammatically correct… at rev b
in the margin at the end. Board will review via e-mail and correspond. Bylaws doc was finished
and forwarded to Peter by Marty.
Peter: recommends the attorney looks over all before we post to web. All agree.
Peter: Anything else on updating of docs… No? Recap…Marty send doc to Brian…Peter will
proof w/Adobe voice program.

2. Conversation with SFC
Marlene: Spoke with Debbie Bourgone questioning the sale of Spruce Mountain lots. Debbie
said there are no plans now and it will be a long, long time off. Marlene told Debbie that the
Association feels that all future lot owners should have to be part of our road association. There
is one private owner of a Spruce Mountain lot. His arrangements were done differently and he
was not made to join a road association…they just started doing things differently. Marlene said
it’s not fair … Debbie agreed … said send an e-mail and she will forward it to SFC owner and let
him know how we feel.
All thank Marlene for making the call.
Peter recaps by saying that probably all we can do is appeal to their fair nature.
Marlene…tried to e-mail the follow up to Debbie…but didn’t go through their company e-mail
filters. She followed up again with Debbie, who took notes and said she’d pass the information
Marty: Should we approach the town?
Brian: The road actually belongs to SFC.
Peter: Notifying the town to get this situation in their thought process is a good idea… in a
friendly-and-fair-thing-to-do-kind-of-way. We should mention it to Phil White. Can’t hurt.
All agree.

3. Other
Peter: Anything else
Brian: Road projects…called Herb Jordan about clearing and culvert. He will start after finish
SFC job he’s working on now.
Peter: will contact attorney as soon as docs are complete.
Brian: Treasurer’s Report: 20 owners outstanding on their dues. A second mailing will go out on
the 9/24/08. Regarding the review of documents… requests that the attorney bills directly to
treasurer to expedite payment.

Next board meeting set for October 15th… at 7pm
Meeting adjourned 7:30pm
Respectfully submitted
Marty LaMarche
Recording Secretary

Monday, September 08, 2008

Minutes to 8/19/08 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting, Telephone Conference
In Attendance: Peter Aten, President, Marlene Sullivan, Vice President, Brian Govang Treasurer, Martha LaMarche, Recording Secretary.

Meeting called to order by Peter Aten, President

Thanks to all, especially Brian, whose comments helped to improve flow and clarify the annual meeting minutes.

Proxies/ballots that were in transit on the day of the annual meeting totaled 7. They included two lot owners (totaling three votes) who delivered proxies/ballots in person that day, and four lot owners whose proxies/ballots were received by the board via USPS prior to the August 15 deadline agreed upon at the annual meeting.

All seven were affirmative, yielding the following final count:
Total votes for ballot item 1 (Bylaws): 52 for, 0 against
Total votes for ballot item 2 (Covenants, Paragraph 9): 50 for, 2 against
Total votes for ballot item 3 (Covenants, Paragraph 7): 49 for, 3 against

All votes necessary to pass these three items were received.

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Group discussion ensued regarding accepting minutes of annual meeting.
Board members at camp haven’t returned home to read final document, all agree to accept minutes via e-mail in the interest of expediting the posting of minutes online for the members of the association.

Creation of Legal Documents
With passing of amendments to covenants we need to update the document. Carol did research on amending articles of incorporation and paperwork needs to be submitted to the State…we now need legal advice as the board has done its part.

Suggests taking creation of the document as far as we can ourselves, to minimize costs, then seek legal counsel.

Discussion ensues…Marty will OCR scan the document, convert to MS Word, send a copy to board members.

Recommends using Rudman-Winchel as they fill our tax needs at year-end.

All in agreement. Peter Aten will contact Rudman-Winchell to start the process of formalizing the amendments.

Board Members
Next steps for Association board members

Her camp is for sale and questions if she should be on board.

Broad agreement for Marlene to continue her valuable work on the board.

We need three members to meet.

Dave Hazard may be interested. Brian will talk to Dave.

Broad agreement that we should stay in contact with members at the annual meeting who expressed an interest in serving.

Stop Sign at Route 9
Obtained sign that was donated by Jim, and has given it to Randy Mace for placement.

Spruce Mountain Lake
Group discussion: Phil White recommended calling SFC. Marlene knows Debbie and will call her and open a line of communication. Basically, the board would like to know that if the land is sold and results in traffic on the road, we expect maintenance to be built into their bylaws and covenants. All agree on the importance of this action.

Minutes Dissemination to Association
Group Discussion: Post to web, send e-mail and/or USPS mail or wait until meeting next year in an effort to save money. Mailing documents out as they are verified by legal counsel was ultimately agreed upon because of the importance of the documents and the high level of interest by the members at the annual meeting.

Maintenance Update
Herb Jordan will soon be moving ahead with the brush clearing.

Annual Dues
Letter and invoice will be send soon.

Address correction for lot 50-51-52: Metz-Clark address for dues is 1 Elm St., Unit 23.

Future Business
Brian’s report on Herb Jordan’s work
Marlene’s beginning conversation with Debbie

Next Meeting
September 17th at 7pm.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Annual Meeting Minutes

Beddington Lake East Homeowner’s Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, August 2, 10:00a.m.
Beddington Fire Dept., Rt. 193
Board in Attendance: Peter Aten, President, Marlene Sullivan, Vice President, Brian Govang Treasurer, Martha LaMarche, Interim Recording Secretary.

Meeting called to order by Peter Aten, President

(All comments Peter Aten unless otherwise indicated.) Introductions, welcome, explains parameters of meeting.

1. Acceptance of the minutes from last year’s meeting Motion to accept:
Dave Hazard, #36; Second: Bob Lewis, #31; All in favor.

2. Review of completed and pending road maintenance.
Completed projects include brush cutting on Eagle’s Cove, road grading, placement of road signs and replacing one vandalized sign. Brush cutting on main road will be done at the end of summer. Priorities for the next 12 months include grading, culverts and continued maintenance.

Any comments from members? (None)

We will continue to do maintenance, the same as we have done in the past.

3. Review of the Treasurer’s Report
Brian Govang
There has been one change since the letter was mailed. A $310 check paid to Peter Aten to cover the cost of mailing the annual meeting materials. $4-5,000 remains to be spent on brush cutting and culvert projects. (Treasurer’s report attached.) $8,900 is projected to be in the account at the end of the season.

Peter Aten: Any questions? (None)
Motion to accept, Dave Hazard, #36; Second: Brian Govang; All in favor.

4. Voting on the annual assessment amount.
The board recommends that the annual assessment remain at $125.
Motion to accept: Peter Aten; Second: Marlene Sullivan; All in favor.

5. Voting to amend the Bylaws, Covenants and Articles of Incorporation

(Counting of proxies)

There are 42-45 potential or actual affirmative votes per amendment between received ballots, proxies and those in attendance; three ballots included negative votes on one or more amendments. 46 affirmative votes are required to pass any amendment. Several more proxies are expected via mail and as board members have been at camp for some time before meeting. We suggest leaving the option open to count these in-process proxies.

First Item (Ballot Item#1): Bylaws - Title & Section 1.1, Covenants – Title & Title Para, Articles of Incorporation - Main Title & Attachment Title: Change the name of the Association from ‘Beddington Lake East Homeowners Association’ to ‘Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association’.
Motion to accept: Brian Govang, #40; Second: David Hazard, #36; All present in favor. Adding Proxies and Ballots received: 45 for, 0 against.

Second Item (Ballot Item #2): Update Covenants Para 9, By-laws Sec 2.6, Articles of Incorporation (attachment): Limit the number of votes a single, multiple lot, landowner may cast as follows: “The owner of more than one lot shall have one vote for each lot up to a maximum of 5 votes.”


Jim Crowley, #25. Asks for clarification regarding effect on purchaser of a subdivided lot. (Answer: yes new owner would have a vote.)

Deb Messer, #64: Q re: how the figure of 5 was determined.

Peter Aten: The largest # is now 4, so 5 seemed a reasonable number.

Motion to accept: Peter Aten, #13; Second: Brian Govang, #40. All present in favor. Adding Proxies and Ballots received: 43 for, 2 against

Third Item (Ballot Item #3) Add the following language to Covenants paragraph 7: “After the 5 year moratorium on lot division any subdivision must be reported to the Association Board of Directors at the time a plan is proposed to the town of Beddington.”

Motion: Marlene Sullivan, #33; Second: Brian Govang, #40. All present in favor. Adding Proxies and Ballots received: 42 for, 3 against.

Deb Messer: How will members know if the above is passed.

Peter Aten: Updated covenants will be mailed.

6. Vote to allow in-process proxies and ballots, allowing for delivery time.
Motion to accept: Peter Aten, #13; Second; Kevin Peary, #49, All in favor.

Deb Messer suggests cut off date of August 15 for in-process proxies and ballots.
Motion to accept: Dave Hazard, #36; Second Deb Messer, #64. All in favor.

Request from floor to send email notice with result.

Peter Aten: Board will send email as well, after results tallied.

* * *

Brian Govang: Recognizes Carol Aten for doing an outstanding job on the website with the posting of minutes and information.

Carol Aten: Be sure we have your e-mail addresses.

Peter Aten: That’s all on the agenda, anything else?

Brian Govang: Recommends a $100 donation to the Beddington Fire Dept.
Motion to accept: Brian Govang, #40; Second: John Grionda, #22. All in favor.

Peter Aten: Future issue that has been discussed is Spruce Mountain subdivision.

Randy Mace: Who have we discussed it with.

Peter: Only the board.

Randy: Any word from town on zoning?

Peter solicits information from members.

Carol Aten: Two Narraguagas plans can be posted to our website.

Peter Aten: Future board members are needed and urged to volunteer. Explanation of time commitments and function.

Brian Govang: Commends Herb Jordan for $ savings on road and value-added to the projects he has worked on.

Marlene Sullivan: Commends Herb’s honesty and notes his preference for autonomy in his work.

Peter Aten: Any questions?

Brian Govang: Would anyone like the Treasurer’s job?

Jean Heath, Lot 38, maybe next year, will talk to Brian.

Martha LaMarche: offers to fill recording secretary position as Bob can no longer commit the time.

Motion to accept: Peter Aten, #13; Seconds: Multiple members; All in favor.

Betsy: How is board organized.

Peter explains.

First Selectman Phil White arrives. Information below is in response to questions from members: Comprehensive zoning plan which is 85% complete. Cell phone towers are the remaining issue. Expect town to vote in late October or at the same time as the national election. Proposed minimum lot size is 21 acres in Spruce subdivision. There is a moratorium to prevent nonresidential development until November 5. The number of camps per lot is regulated by the state. Beddington is the last town to do this comprehensive plan and so have learned from others mistakes and what works. Judy East from Washington County government works with the town. Open area on Rt. 193 is zoned agricultural/residential. Cell tower which was denied was 190 ft tall and 14 ft wide self supporting, a microwave receiving station with cell phone capability to be added. Moratorium is to give time to set up ordinance to avoid a future burden on the community if the tower is abandoned. Towers generate some tax revenue for town, owner of lot leases to the company. We will eventually have a cell tower. If doesn’t pass in Oct/Nov the moratorium can be reinstated. The comprehensive plan will be available on CD. To stay informed on Spruce Mountain talk to Debbie Borgourne at Sustainable Forest Products. Dump permits are available for Cherryfield at no charge, pick them up in town hall. A new permit will be issued in January. Computer waste goes to Pleasant River. See Mike Laughlin for burning permits. Town does not have a website but will, maybe this winter. For information call the town hall and leave a message or call me at home, number is listed.

Dave Hazard, #36: Need new stop sign at Route 9, sign is now white. Volunteers to pick up sign.

Jim Crowley, #25. Has a stop sign in brush in front of his house, may be usable.

Motion to adjourn meeting: Peter Aten, #13; Second: Bob Lewis, #31.

Respectfully submitted.
Martha LaMarche
Recording Secretary