Monday, September 08, 2008

Minutes to 8/19/08 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting, Telephone Conference
In Attendance: Peter Aten, President, Marlene Sullivan, Vice President, Brian Govang Treasurer, Martha LaMarche, Recording Secretary.

Meeting called to order by Peter Aten, President

Thanks to all, especially Brian, whose comments helped to improve flow and clarify the annual meeting minutes.

Proxies/ballots that were in transit on the day of the annual meeting totaled 7. They included two lot owners (totaling three votes) who delivered proxies/ballots in person that day, and four lot owners whose proxies/ballots were received by the board via USPS prior to the August 15 deadline agreed upon at the annual meeting.

All seven were affirmative, yielding the following final count:
Total votes for ballot item 1 (Bylaws): 52 for, 0 against
Total votes for ballot item 2 (Covenants, Paragraph 9): 50 for, 2 against
Total votes for ballot item 3 (Covenants, Paragraph 7): 49 for, 3 against

All votes necessary to pass these three items were received.

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Group discussion ensued regarding accepting minutes of annual meeting.
Board members at camp haven’t returned home to read final document, all agree to accept minutes via e-mail in the interest of expediting the posting of minutes online for the members of the association.

Creation of Legal Documents
With passing of amendments to covenants we need to update the document. Carol did research on amending articles of incorporation and paperwork needs to be submitted to the State…we now need legal advice as the board has done its part.

Suggests taking creation of the document as far as we can ourselves, to minimize costs, then seek legal counsel.

Discussion ensues…Marty will OCR scan the document, convert to MS Word, send a copy to board members.

Recommends using Rudman-Winchel as they fill our tax needs at year-end.

All in agreement. Peter Aten will contact Rudman-Winchell to start the process of formalizing the amendments.

Board Members
Next steps for Association board members

Her camp is for sale and questions if she should be on board.

Broad agreement for Marlene to continue her valuable work on the board.

We need three members to meet.

Dave Hazard may be interested. Brian will talk to Dave.

Broad agreement that we should stay in contact with members at the annual meeting who expressed an interest in serving.

Stop Sign at Route 9
Obtained sign that was donated by Jim, and has given it to Randy Mace for placement.

Spruce Mountain Lake
Group discussion: Phil White recommended calling SFC. Marlene knows Debbie and will call her and open a line of communication. Basically, the board would like to know that if the land is sold and results in traffic on the road, we expect maintenance to be built into their bylaws and covenants. All agree on the importance of this action.

Minutes Dissemination to Association
Group Discussion: Post to web, send e-mail and/or USPS mail or wait until meeting next year in an effort to save money. Mailing documents out as they are verified by legal counsel was ultimately agreed upon because of the importance of the documents and the high level of interest by the members at the annual meeting.

Maintenance Update
Herb Jordan will soon be moving ahead with the brush clearing.

Annual Dues
Letter and invoice will be send soon.

Address correction for lot 50-51-52: Metz-Clark address for dues is 1 Elm St., Unit 23.

Future Business
Brian’s report on Herb Jordan’s work
Marlene’s beginning conversation with Debbie

Next Meeting
September 17th at 7pm.


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