Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Minutes to June 9th Board Meeting

East Beddington Lake Homeowner’s Assn
Board Meeting
June 9, 2008

Marty LaMarche (interim recording secretary)

P: Did you look at letter…explanation:
1st item letter… forgot to mention Rick DeCarteret…I can work it in.
2nd Brian and I spoke about importance of wording in amendment being correct.
3rd. Q: What language do we use to make sure members understand the significance of these changes so that they show at meeting or vote by proxy. What does everyone think? Ideas?

B: I e-mailed my comments…large: “This is an important vote. There currently exists the potential for one large landowner to control all the functions of the Association. IE: Amount of yearly association fee, work to be accomplished, etc... To preserve your rights as an individual voter the board recommends a "Yes" vote on the following proposals:”

Mty: Bob approved of letter…thought very good.

M: agrees.

P: will mention Rick, $100 check to his wife, will also reiterate the significance of why we are changing the by-laws. Will send another proof to all.

B: Small tweaks needed on proxy format (discussion)

P: Agree.

Group Discussion: Format of bylaws, articles and covenants showing changes. Retype docs or do it manually? End result: Peter will type new wording on label and affix in margin indicating insertion point. Manually strike through deletions.

P: Items to be included in mailing: letter; proxy; treasurer’s report, minutes last year’s annual meeting, annotated articles, bylaws, covenant, party invitation, self-addressed stamped envelope.

Town will send new contact names for local government contacts. Brian to follow up on that.

B: Dottie Cardarelli says she will be sending name as soon as town approves, Phil White will attend annual meeting.

P: What about assessment? (Reference to Brian’s treasurer’s report e-mailed today. What is our balance goal? 10? 15? Any comments on goal/balance for unanticipated expenses. 12 now…still have brush cut and culvert.

B: Grading was $300 more than last yr due to fuel costs. That will continue to go up.

Group: no surprise

P: Has been 5K/yr. So 6 this year or more? Receipts were 8600… admin exp of 600. Membership has been very proactive with support unlike other lake associations.

Mty: Likes budget plan for unexpected large expenses.

B: Recommend keep it the same… to give us another year to consider in forming a plan to address future expenses.

M: Important to consider economic impact on homeowners, can be a struggle.

P Reference to multiple lots. Want to be responsible…understand need to smooth out costs but after this year wants to look carefully at reducing by some amount… but is fine with keeping same this year.

All in agreement.

P: Any more discussion? Meet once more before meeting? or are we in place?

B: Close to being in place. Any problems we can call emergency meeting.

P: Plan to send letter soon. Will send electronic copy to Board members a couple of days ahead. Plan to reconvene on August 2.

P: Marlene will sign in members at door again this year. Marty interim secretary.

P: Any other ideas? Same agenda as last year. Use Brian’s spreadsheet as sign in sheet with a couple of columns for signature. Bring copy of agenda. Arrive by 9:30am. Brian and Marlene to go over at 9 for set ups. Thank you everyone. Let me know if I need to change anything. See you on the 2nd.

B: Regarding by-laws note in letter: flag changes, put it in large print.

Me: Political work done ahead of time will help to staff the board.
All: heavy sighs and wishes for cool breezes at camp.


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