Sunday, June 17, 2007

Saturday August 4th - BE THERE!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Minutes to the June 5, 2007 Board meeting

Present: Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Brian Govang, Treasurer; Bob LaMarche, Secretary; Win Stevens, Registered Agent

Special Discussion:
Based on an inquiry received from Win Stevens, the Association’s Registered Agent, the Board invited him to join a discussion on the potential impact on members and dues if property subdivision occurs after the present five-year moratorium expires. The Board decided to form a special committee to research the issue in the coming year. Opinions and suggestions of Association members on this matter will be requested at the annual meeting in August. Everyone is invited and encouraged to help the committee in this project; interested members should contact Peter Aten at (603) 772-1810. The committee, currently made up of Board members and Win Stevens, decided to confer next via conference call on Tuesday, June 19th.

The Board also decided it would be beneficial for the Association to invite Beddington’s town officials to attend the annual meeting. It is hoped that this will help establish better communication and a good working relationship between both parties.

Road Maintenance & Safety:
Brian reported that he met with Herb Jordan, who recently inspected Eagle Cove Road. Herb said the road does not need grading at this time. However, it does require brush clearing. The Board approved this clearing for a total cost of between $1,500 and $2,000. The work will be completed this summer.

This work is in addition to previously approved road maintenance projects that include repairing the erosion on Shorey Brook Hill and installing a culvert near lots 49 and 50.
Brian also reported that the speed limit signs ordered for East Beddington Lake Road have been made and will be positioned in the near future.

Annual Meeting:
The time and site of this year’s annual meeting may need to be adjusted, due to the unavailability of the Airline Snack Bar on Saturday mornings during the summer. The Board will find a new time and site and report back to the Association. The annual meeting is currently scheduled for Saturday, August 4th, at 10 a.m.

Minutes to the May 14, 2007 Board Meeting

Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Brian Govang, Treasurer
Absent: Bob LaMarche, Secretary

Road Maintenance Update

  • The main road was graded. Thanks to Brian Govang and Marlene Sullivan for being present to monitor the work.
  • Planned work remaining to be done includes: 1) the culvert on the main road at lot 49, to address drainage issues (not enough time to complete); 2) grading Eagles Cove Rd to the curve at Tucker Ln (road still too wet).
  • Also, Herb Jordan let us know that building up the hill on the main road at Shorey Brook Rd would required approximately 200 yds of gravel (approximately $1200). Herb may be able to get this from the paper company, and will pursue that. The board agreed to pursue this maintenance in either case.
  • The far end of Eagles Cove Rd (beyond Tucker Ln) appears to be in very good shape. The board will continue to monitor this stretch of road
  • Brian will order 3 "15 mph speed limit" signs, as agreed at the annual meeting, from White Sign Co. We will also require cement and posts for implementation. Brian agreed to install these as time permits, along with the anticipated assistance of Mike Sullivan. Thank you to Brian and Mike.
  • Full cost of annual maintenance will not be known until all of the above items are completed. However, the board is comfortable with the estimated cost relative to assets.

  • Annual Meeting
  • We will again plan to hold the annual meeting on the first Saturday in August, which this year is August 4th, at 10:00am.
  • Marlene will approach the Airline Snack Bar to reserve space.
  • Brian will draft a Treasurer's report and send to Peter
  • Peter will draft the letter to go out, to include: date, time, location, appeal for volunteers to serve on board, and party info (Peter to follow up with Carol Aten/Joyce Tucker)
  • The letter should be send as close to 45 days out as possible, which is approximately June 20th. Peter will follow up with Bob LaMarche on logistics.

  • Next Meeting
    The board agreed to reconvene at 7:00pm on July 10th. Peter to send out email reminder.