Saturday, May 08, 2010

Any Volunteers to Host the Annual Party?

We've traditionally held a party for association members after the annual meeting and it has been a really nice time. Past hosts have included the Lamarches, the Sullivans and the Tuckers (on multiple occasions). If we can identify someone interested in hosting the party after this year's meeting on August 7th, the board will include that information in the mailing for the annual meeting. The party is typically potluck and we've always had volunteers to help set up and clean up.

Please let us know if you'd be willing to host this year's party at your beautiful camp!

Peter Aten


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Web/Blogmaster. I'm Russ Kavanagh from lot 10E. I'd like to post the following question, if you'd be so kind as to facilitate.

Sceptic and Well Drilling.
Hello all. I am looking to have a sceptic and/or well dug on my lot, I just recently received planning permission.
Can anyone recommend someone local that you may have used for this purpose? Do you have any good, or horror stories? I'm sure a lot of folks have had this done over the years and I'd love to benefit from your experience. Any direction as to cost would also be most welcome.



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