Sunday, March 21, 2010

Minutes to 2/17/10 Board meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call

2/17/10, 7:00 pm

In attendance: Peter, Win, Jean, Marty


1) Approve minutes of prior meeting (1/12/10)

2) Treasurer’s report.

3) Road Identification Project for Presentation to Association Members

1) Approve minutes of prior meeting Motion to accept: Win, Second Jean, Minutes approved unanimously.

2) Treasurer’s report: All but one dues invoices have been paid...due to new address. Account balance: $20,290.39. One check is not reflected. Win moves to accept, Peter seconds, all in favor.

3) Road Identification Project for Presentation to Association Members (see map; disregard red arrows)

Additional roads under consideration:

  • Eagles Cove from the bend at Tucker Ln to the driveway for lot 22
  • Tucker Ln to the split between lots 13 and 14
  • Shorey Brook Ln to the driveway for Lot 25
  • Govangs Gulch to the split for lots 38/39, including unnamed road off of Govang's Gulch, a Spur road off of Govangs Gulch to the driveway for lot 35
  • Shared driveway* serving lots 41/42 until the split
  • Shared driveway* serving lots 43/44 until the split
  • Shared driveway* serving lots 50/51 until the split? (hard to tell from map)
  • Shared driveway* serving lots 56/57 until the split

* Owners may choose to opt out....these are access roads that split off into two driveways. This number was determined using Bangor Hydro's definition.

Not included: Shared driveway shown on map for lots 1 and 2 and at this point a semi-abandoned road, and each lot has a dedicated driveway.

The board needs to consider language that includes or excludes future access roads.

  • It’s possible that new roads will be added, such as a shared driveway for lots 11, 12, and 15. Once it’s in, by definition it would also be included.
  • A couple of the above lots would be excluded if we amended the language to “serves two or more lots with different owners”, but that seems questionable in terms of fairness and fairly easy to get around if desired (one lot in one name, the other in the spouses for example). the board agrees that definition is by number of lots and doe not include separate ownership.


Option 1) do nothing, continue as in the past.

Option 2) Take over maintenance on these roads and perform every third year. Includes: grading and selective application of gravel and brush cutting...keeping in mind that this does not include widening the road and building a road bed.

Option 3) One time grading and selective application of gravel to road cutting (not rebuilding road beds) and brush... at 50% cost, to homeowner representing lot owners on that road. Paid upon submission of receipt, using our vendor and estimate the board obtained.

The wording above is a working draft...that the board will continue to edit. In dialog with Herb Jordan, his questions will help us to formulate the language.

Late spring is the earliest that Herb will most likely be able to see roads. Peter will contact Herb, and Jean will join them walk roads, if need be.

Facts will be presented in the annual mailing. At the meeting we anticipate a vote, but it will be up to members to propose and we would expect a vote. If costs are not provided in letter, then Herb will have figures for the August meeting.

4) Annual Meeting Planning: Date: August 7, 2010

a) reserve Hall for that date.

b) letter should go out mid June. Content: Peter will draft letter from these minutes and notes from conversations/meetings with Herb Jordan regarding the usual ongoing maintenance schedule, plus the pricing of options listed above. Group will fine tune. Treasurer report. Proxy form.

5) Next meeting: Tuesday, April 6, 2010.

7:51 pm Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Martha LaMarche

Recording Secretary


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