Annual Meeting minutes from 8/1/09
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
2009 Annual Meeting
Saturday, August 1 at 10:00a.m.
Beddington Fire Dept.
Town Hall/Community Center, Rt. 193
Board in Attendance:
Peter Aten, President
Marlene Sullivan, Vice President
Brian Govang, Treasurer
Martha LaMarche, Secretary
Phil White, guest, Beddington First Selectman
Agenda (per mailing)
1. Acceptance of the minutes from last year’s meeting (copy attached)
2. Review of completed and pending road maintenance.
3. Setting maintenance priorities for the next year (at meeting combined with 2.)
4. Review of the Treasurer’s Report (copy attached)
5. Voting on the annual assessment amount.
6. Nomination and Election of Board members
Meeting called to order by Peter Aten. (All comments Peter Aten unless otherwise indicated)
1. Acceptance of the minutes from last year’s meeting
Motion to accept: Dave Hazard; second: Nathan Perry; All in favor.
2. Review of completed and pending road maintenance, next year’s priorities.
The road has been graded once by the association. Wymans has graded the road twice for us. Brian Govang: Brush cutting will be on Eagles Cove in the fall. Any comments?
Jim Crowley: Is Shorey Brook a road, and why not?
The association voted previously that the level of maintenance would remain the same as the paper company: Bed Lake East and to the bend in Eagles Cove.
Nathan Perry: Are there restrictions to what can be maintained on Shorey Brook?
Brian Govang: No restrictions with respect to the water apply because there is enough space for maintenance. There are five camps served by Shorey Brook Rd. Estimate obtained as a neighborly gesture was $2500 to cut brush and add gravel. For it to be an actual road, 4” of gravel would need to be added. Suggest a goodwill action by the association and to do the repairs on Shorey Brook.
A lively discussion ensued regarding covenants, utilities, sensitivities of neighboring lots, the current state of Shorey Brook. Past maintenance cited by first two logging companies, the last owner did not maintain. Six members stress the need for due diligence and a more clearly defined policy to apply to all roads. Today’s meeting’s adherence toRobert’s Rules of Order is questioned. (Answer: this topic falls under road maintenance, which is on the agenda.) Phil White advises that the town has accepted no roads. All of the roads are roads for 911 purposes only. The town has input only if we apply with the town.
Discussion reveals three possibilities:
1) Continue level of maintenance done in the past. 2) Do a one-time good will maintenance for Shorey Brook Rd. 3) Put in (sic. excavation work) a real road.
Barbara Orton makes a motion for item #2. Jim Crowley seconds.
Any Comments?
As a lot owner Peter cites the work that has been done by the 5 camps on Tucker’s Lane, extensive work on a very steep hill.
Lively discussion contines with specific question by Dick Leeman, Lot 18 regarding cost for good will maintenance as well as grooming to road status.
$2500 among 69 lots = $35 each. Brian Govang guesstimates $5,000 in answer to question regarding cost of putting in a real road. Nathan Perry guesstimates $80,000. Jim Crowley calls point to order that we are discussing motion for $2,500 goodwill.
Currently $75 is recommended for this year’s assessment, down from $125 last year.
Martha LaMarche, Marlene Sullivan, Jean Heath, Randy Mace and Peter Aten all speak with regard for the need of due diligence. Win Stevens speaks regarding the need for goodwill vs. concerns of road status. Carol Aten suggest the lot owners discuss right of way issues with bordering lot. Other concerns regarding legal precident. Peter recaps the above , that the association has no policy in place and recommends the board investigate.
Multiple members speak with positive regard to making a one time good will donation. Barbara Orton agrees that motion can be amended.
Jean Heath amends: Make a one-time donation to repair Shorey Brook Road by giving the lot owners $2500 to carry out the repairs. The owners will be listed in the minutes by name. Further, the board will investigate policy options to present at the annual meeting next year.
Discussion ensues regarding the details of transferring the money. Brian Govang suggests one lot owner from Shorey Brook to receive the check and oversee the project. Jim Crowley is suggested but declines. No other Shorey Brook camp owner comes forward to head the project; Jim asks Brian to do so; Brian declines.
Peter speaks of the need to not do the job half way/we should not do a poor job.
Brian Govang seconds the amended motion.
Vote goes to paper ballot at the request of Martha LaMarche, Recording Secretary. Members vote, provide name and lot #.
10 yes
25 no
Motion does not carry.
Motion for option 3: Peter Aten.
Second: Bill Leithiser.
Comments: Steve of lot 46. Requests that the board disseminate the information via email. Win Stevens observes that by Maine statues 4 or more owners on a road can form their own association, if Shorey Brook Rd. lot owners have concerns regarding liability. Jim Crowley questions maintaining the Bed Lake East logging road. Jim Tucker observes that the deeds require us to be part of BLERMA.
All in favor. Motion passes.
Road schedule that has been set means Eagles Cove brush cutting will be done this year (fall).
3. Voting on the annual assessment amount.
$75 assessment fee is recommended.
Motion to accept: Peter Aten
Second: Marlene Sullivan
Comments regarding history. $125 last year means $50 reduction for 2009 assessment.
All in favor.
4. Review of the Treasurer’s Report (copy sent with annual mailing)
Updated figures: $2,178.36 has been spent on administration and road maintenance since mailing. Current balance of account is $15,527.47.
Motion to accept: Jim Crowley.
Second: Win Stevens.
All in favor.
5. Nomination and Election of Board members
Slate of Officers Proposed:
President: Peter Aten
Vice President: Win Stevens (by paper ballot with Dave Hazard)
Treasurer: Jean Heath
Secretary: Martha LaMarche
Motion to accept: Peter Aten
Second: Nathan Perry
All in favor.
Thank you to Dave Hazard and all who expressed interest in serving on the board. Sincere thanks to Marlene and Brian for their hard work. Framed certificates are presented.
6. New business: Brian Govang recommends $100 be donated to the Beddington Fire Dept.
Motion to accept: Peter Aten
Second: Steve Grossi
All in favor.
7. Q&A with Beddington Selectman Phil White. Beddington First Selectman covering topics of rumored cell tower, fire prevention, school reorganization impact on taxes, shoreland protection regulations, etc.
11:50 meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Martha LaMarche
Recording Secretary
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