Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Minutes to 2/19/09 Board meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Telephone Conference, 2-19-2009, 7pm
In attendance: Peter, Marlene, Brian, Marty

• Approve Minutes of 1/13/09 meeting
• Ensure that association documents are finalized
• Snowmobile trail
• Treasurer’s report

1) Approve Minutes of 1/13/09 meeting
Minutes to prior meeting were approved via e-mail and were posted on the website.

2) Status of Association document updates
Bylaws were already good to go. Articles of Incorporation are now final. Covenants: the amended documents were reviewed by board members, sent to the attorneys. Final documents were received, signed by Marty and then by Peter, notarized. The signed documents were mailed to the attorneys last Saturday. Assuming the attorneys find everything in order, Peter made a pdf copy of the document. We have copies of all the documents in hand. The attorneys will file the Covenants in the Washington County Registry of Deeds. Once that happens the project is finished. The documents will be mailed to association members by Marty when the attorneys give the go-ahead.

3) Snowmobile trail
Peter spoke with Charlie Corliss, an official for recreation trails with the State of Maine. He confirms the road is being used for snowmobile. It had been plowed to Eagles Cove up to a time this winter. They will stop using the road when the ice melts. Based on Brian’s early questions regarding liability. Charlie Corliss stated that because it’s a road and not a trail through the woods there is no liability on our part. Discussion ensued…Marlene said (having visited recently) it looks like the road hasn’t been used in a while, snowfall at the lake has been heavy, (Is there anything we need to do?) Just let the members know what’s happening at the annual meeting so everyone is aware. Marlene: If we’re not liable then no problem. Brian has no opinion. Marty: I am comfortable with a wait and see. Peter: Not much else to do…agree with Marlene. Based on what Charlie said it is assumed that plowing of the road would restrict snowmobile use.

4) Treasurer’s Report
One small update. BLERMA’s filing fee notice was received today from the State of Maine. $35. Attorney’s bill is outstanding. There will be expenses associated with the upcoming mailing.

No other business. Brian: This wraps up 2-3 years of work. Peter agrees. Congratulations all around.

Agenda for next meeting:
1) Approve Minutes of 2/19/09 meeting
2) Current road condition assessment.
3) Herb Jordan and logistics of routine road maintenance.
4) Plan annual meeting and set dates.
5) Treasurer’s report.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 7PM
7:25 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.
Martha LaMarche
Recording Secretary


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