Minutes to 1/13/09 Board Meeting
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Telephone Conference, 1-13-2009, 7pm
In attendance: Peter Aten, Brian Govang, Marty LaMarche
• Approving minutes of 11/18/08 Board Meeting
• Status of Association document updates
• Snowmobile trail
• Treasurer’s report
1) Approving minutes of 11/18/08 Board Meeting
Peter Aten: Minutes to prior meeting were approved via e-mail
2) Status of Association document updates
Marty received and then sent the articles document to the attorney. Question: Peter will follow up with attorney to confirm that document was received and ask attorney to send a pdf for disseminating to association members. The Bylaws have been provided to us and can be distributed. The Covenants are still in process for final review. Brian is concerned about the timing because the Covenants are time sensitive. Question and discussion: Do we need a new EIN? Peter will follow up. Will this impact on 2008 taxes? No. We are same entity for tax purposes.
3) Snowmobile trail (Condensed from e-mail exchanges.)
CHARLIE CORLISS TO PETER ATEN: This morning I met Jerry Torrey (Beddington snowmobile club) whom in the past has plowed the east side of Beddington Lake rd for the 3.5 miles for one of the camp owners. Currently no one has contacted him to plow any of the road and therefore it is not plowed at this time. I also spoke with Bob Murphy at AFM (the paper company) this morning as I had spoken with him last week about this very same situation. As far as he knows AFM retained ownership of the road and the campowners have a ROW to use it. So that is whom I got permission from to use this as a snowmobile trail. Currently I do not know who the president of the road association is although I am trying to find that out so that I can contact him.
PETER ATEN TO BOARD MEMBERS: Charlie Corliss today, who is the Recreational Trail Coordinator at the Maine Dept. of Conservation/Bureau of Parks and Lands Off-Road Vehicle Division, is proposing to move the ITS 81 trail back to our road from the west side. He indicated that is where it traditionally was, but due to a complaint by someone on the east side 3+ years ago they moved it. Apparently the complaint had to do with a driver almost colliding with a snowmobile rider. His call was really an FYI to the association since he has the paper company permission to use the road. He wants to move the trail back to our road because it's safer for the riders (vs. crossing 193 four times on the west side). He agreed that if the road continues to be plowed then they will probably keep it on the west side, but currently it is not plowed. My concerns are safety and road impact. If the road is frozen I'm guessing that's a minor concern.
Board Telephone Meeting Discussion of above e-mails: Peter: Do we know what happened?
Brian: The son hit a snowmobile that was going way too fast and the wife was hospitalized for a significant time. Snowmobiles should not be on plowed road. It’s the camp owners’ selection whether they want to plow or not. The guy from the state says they will not authorize it for use. On a plowed road it’s at your own risk. If the road is made a snow mobile trail…then cars should not be on it. Peter: Has it been plowed to bloods? (Text message to David LaMarche indicates “no…only up to Tuckers [Tobins]”) Brian: With snowmobiles the packed snow melts and turns into ice. There’s always ice on the road but snow mobile makes it really packed and hard and we’d lose a week opening up camps. Consensus: Board needs to gather info for meeting and advise members of situation. Need to find out if state needs to pursue making it a snow mobile trail. Peter will follow-up.
4) Treasurer’s Report
all bills paid including attorney. Association has $18,179.03 and includes interest dividend of $109.05. Tax form will be filled out next week and mailed.
No other business.
Next meeting Agenda:
1) Approve Minutes of 1/13/09 meeting
2) Ensure that documents are finalized
3) Snowmobile trail
4) Other.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 7PM
7:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted.
Martha LaMarche
Recording Secretary
This was very interesting. Thanks for sharing. We have always wondered who plows in the winter. We had to have a bank appraisal a few weeks ago. It was a nightmare trying to get the appraiser out there. We paid a kid with a snowmobile. We would rather the snowmobiles stayed off the East Side too for the delayed melt- out problem. We do sympathize with the safety issue with crossing 193 on the other side though. We are open to what others decide. We would also chip in to have it plowed if others are interested.
Lot 66
We also was wondering if it was possible maybe to add on to the road maintainence fee for the East Beddington Lake road to be plowed through out the winter months? We hike in every month to check our camp and with the increase in camp break-ins, not to mention how great it would be to go to camp in the winter time and ice skate on our own lake instead of everyone elses. Discussion @ summer meeting?
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