Beddington Lake East
A community forum for the residents of Beddington Lake, the east side, Beddington, Washington County--the smallest organized town in Maine.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Minutes to 8/7/2010 Annual Meeting
Beddington Lake East Homeowner’s Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, August 7, 2010 10:10a.m.
Beddington Fire Dept., Rt. 193
Board in Attendance: Peter Aten , President, Marlene Sullivan, Vice President, Brian Govang Treasurer, Martha LaMarche, Interim Recording Secretary.
Meeting called to order by Peter Aten , President
Phil White, Beddington First Selectman updates members on town business. Because the information does not cover road maintenance, notes will be posted separately on the blog.
(All comments Peter Aten unless otherwise indicated.) Introductions, welcome, explains parameters of meeting.
- Acceptance of the minutes from last year’s meeting
Motion to accept: Marlene Sullivan, #33, Second: Brian Govang, #40; All in favor.
- Review of completed and pending road maintenance.
Completed projects grading and gravel on main road. Marginal brush cutting was performed on E. Bedd Lake Rd. by Wyman’s. Wyman’s also graded the road early in the spring. Jordan will cut brush back to previous standards in September-ish.
Any comments from members? Marlene Sullivan, #33 said the electric company will be coming through to clear brush near the lines.
- Review of the Treasurer’s Report
Jean Heath
Treasurer’s report was included in mailing.
Association balance at start of August was $20,505.64. On August 1, paid $916 to Herb Jordan for road grading, and $157.74 to Bethel Printing for annual meeting mailing, bringing balance to $19,431.90.
Motion to accept, Dave Hazard, #36; Second: Steve Grossi, #45. All in favor.
- Road Identification Project for Maintenance
--The board walked the access roads to more accurately assess condition and determine where the road ends.
--Peter Aten met with HerbJordan and received clarification about the level of maintenance the paper company provided and confirmed that he maintains the full length of Eagle Cove, as needed. Paper company also requested maintenance of Shorey Brook Rd to the first driveway as needed, vs. other access roads put in by camp owners. It is possible to add gravel to Shorey Brook, but not possible to grade. In addition brush cannot be trimmed on the brook side of the road; only on the away side. All other access roads were put in by camp owners.
--Three options were presented in annual mailing. Based on information gathered from HerbJordan , Board suggests forth option, to include Shorey Brook Rd in maintenance up to two loads of gravel per year.
--Peter Aten met with Herb
--Three options were presented in annual mailing. Based on information gathered from Herb
Motion to include Shorey Brook Rd. : Brian Govang, #40, Nathan Perry, # 49.
Discussion: (first entry = identification, subsequent entries initials only)
--Jim Crowley, #25, asks for explanation of the options and that the location (last lot number) for ending maintenance is wrong. Should be one more lot down.
--Bill Leitheiser, #15, asks for clarification: lots vs. owners. (PA: confirmed that board agreed that it should be determined by lots, not owners.)
--Jim Crowley, #25, asks for explanation of the options and that the location (last lot number) for ending maintenance is wrong. Should be one more lot down.
--Bill Leitheiser, #15, asks for clarification: lots vs. owners. (PA: confirmed that board agreed that it should be determined by lots, not owners.)
--JC: all common access roads should be maintained uniformly.
--Dick Leaman #18 asks about cost. (PA: Herb recommends we set a budget for the road and each year maintenance will be a little more complete.)
--Brian Govang #40 recommends spending more initially on Shorey Brook.
--Randy Mace #41; Rob Carpenter #42 request clarification, definition of roads (PA: refers to level of maintenance when Association was formed and observes that we can vote to change our original guidelines).
-- Sheri Perry #49, and the Board’s ability to maintain roads by the Board’s discretion. (PA: level of annual maintenance and roads covered is set at the annual meeting.)
-- Sheri Perry #49, and the Board’s ability to maintain roads by the Board’s discretion. (PA: level of annual maintenance and roads covered is set at the annual meeting.)
--BL: recommends the current level of maintenance brush and grading main road and Eagle’s Cove, with brush and gravel as needed on Shorey Brook.
--Jean Heath clarifies that this level of maintenance will add $3500 in expenses. Current $75 lot assessment collected annually = $5100.
--Discussion ensues regarding cost offset by electric company pruning.
--Discussion ensues regarding cost offset by electric company pruning.
--RM: Questions need for large buffer amount in treasury and scope “creep,” where by once we expand road maintenance we’ll get away from the original intent and lay the foundation for unforeseen expenses.
--JC: Disagrees, believes Shorey Brook has fallen through the cracks.
--RM, Nathan Perry, Dave Hazard, Martha LaMarche: Discussion ensues regarding brush cutting and safety factor.
--John Fernandez #20, Questions need for large buffer amount in treasury.
--BL: Also concerned with “creep” because of similaries between Shorey Brook and Tucker’s Lane needs.
--Marlene Sullivan #43, keep assessment as low as possible to help lot owners.
--Bob Carpenter #42, asks clarification for definition of road.
--PA: the discussion concerns the level of maintenance.
--Peter Aten #13, Tucker’s Lane has same number of camps as Shorey Brook.
Motion: Bill Leitheiser #15, second: Brian Govang #40. Maintenance for the coming year, and to set a precedent for subsequent years, will include annual grading on
Ballots: 25 yes, 12 no. Motion passes.
PA: Further discussion? (None)
4. Voting on the annual assessment amount.
Peter makes recommendation that the annual assessment remain at $100.
Discussion ensues…reason to raise fee? Board expects to pay $8500 in road maintenance this year. Would still leave approximately $16,000 in account. Questions regarding who is responsible for the culvert at Shorey Brook. Peter Aten agrees to have Board look into the possibility that the paper company has that responsibility, and if not how much replacement would be. Peter withdraws motion.
Discussion ensues…reason to raise fee? Board expects to pay $8500 in road maintenance this year. Would still leave approximately $16,000 in account. Questions regarding who is responsible for the culvert at Shorey Brook. Peter Aten agrees to have Board look into the possibility that the paper company has that responsibility, and if not how much replacement would be. Peter withdraws motion.
Jim Crowley makes motion to set assessment at $75, Bill Leitheiser seconds, All in favor.
5. PA: Motion to make a $100 donation to the Vol. Fire Dept. Dave Hazard seconds. All in favor.
6. Recording Secretary to replace outgoing secretary, Martha LaMarche.
Steve Grossi, #45 volunteers. All in favor.
Motion to adjourn meeting: Jim Crowley, Second: Jean Heath.
Respectfully submitted.
Martha LaMarche
Recording Secretary
Minutes to 8/3/2010 Board meeting
Minutes to 8/3/10 Board Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm on Tuesday, August 3, 2010.
Present: Peter, Win, Jean
Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting
Win made motion to approve, Jean seconded. Approved unanimously.
Road Maintenance Update
· Brush along main road was cut earlier this year by Wymans, but Herb will touch up the job in areas that were missed. This should reduce expense a bit for next time.
· Road is in great shape all the way across the Barrens. Even the rocky slope about ¼ mile after last camp has been smoothed out.
· Herb will cut brush along Eagle Cove Road this summer.
· Update on roads will be given at annual meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
· Association balance at start of August was $20,505.64. On August 1, paid $916 to Herb Jordan for road grading, and $157.74 to Bethel Printing for annual meeting mailing, bringing balance to $19,431.90.
· Win made motion to accept, Peter seconded. Unanimously approved.
· Balance has been kept fairly stable and at an amount sufficient enough to serve as rainy day fund for unexpected major repairs.
Annual Meeting Logistics
· Town Hall has been reserved for annual meeting.
· Phil White has said he will attend.
· New transfer station stickers will be available at the meeting.
· Sign-in sheet will be at front door for proxy tally.
· Info on sign-in sheet can be corrected if needed.
· Board recommends to keep annual fee per lot at $75.
Access Roads
· Peter met with Herb after the annual mailing went out.
· Access roads have not been part of routine maintenance.
· Shorey Brook Road is not possible to grade because it is a camp road, not a logging road, but gravel could be added in worst spots. Cost for gravel is around $140 per dump truck load, about 9 cubic yards.
· If more maintenance is to be done on access roads, about $300 will have to be added to budget (proposed cap of 2 truckloads of gravel per year), which would add $4 to $5 per lot.
· Herb estimates cutting brush on left side of Shorey Brook Road, only as far as the first driveway, at $2,400.
· Brush can’t be cut on stream side due to environmental restrictions.
· Any decision on access road maintenance will require a vote of membership at the annual meeting after briefing is given.
· Board recommendation is: maintain Eagle Cove Road to curve, and add gravel if needed to Shorey Brook Road, with cap of 2 truckloads per year. No brush cutting or maintenance to other access roads.
Other Business
· None discussed
Next Meeting
Annual meeting on Saturday, August 7, 2010
Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob LaMarche, filling in for Marty LaMarche