Sunday, October 17, 2010

Minutes to 8/3/2010 Board meeting

Minutes to 8/3/10 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm on Tuesday, August 3, 2010.
Present: Peter, Win, Jean

Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting
Win made motion to approve, Jean seconded. Approved unanimously.

Road Maintenance Update
·        Brush along main road was cut earlier this year by Wymans, but Herb will touch up the job in areas that were missed. This should reduce expense a bit for next time.
·        Road is in great shape all the way across the Barrens. Even the rocky slope about ¼ mile after last camp has been smoothed out.
·        Herb will cut brush along Eagle Cove Road this summer.
·        Update on roads will be given at annual meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
·        Association balance at start of August was $20,505.64. On August 1, paid $916 to Herb Jordan for road grading, and $157.74 to Bethel Printing for annual meeting mailing, bringing balance to $19,431.90.
·        Win made motion to accept, Peter seconded. Unanimously approved.
·        Balance has been kept fairly stable and at an amount sufficient enough to serve as rainy day fund for unexpected major repairs.

Annual Meeting Logistics
·        Town Hall has been reserved for annual meeting.
·        Phil White has said he will attend.
·        New transfer station stickers will be available at the meeting.
·        Sign-in sheet will be at front door for proxy tally.
·        Info on sign-in sheet can be corrected if needed.
·        Board recommends to keep annual fee per lot at $75.
Access Roads
·        Peter met with Herb after the annual mailing went out.
·        Access roads have not been part of routine maintenance.
·        Shorey Brook Road is not possible to grade because it is a camp road, not a logging road, but gravel could be added in worst spots. Cost for gravel is around $140 per dump truck load, about 9 cubic yards.
·        If more maintenance is to be done on access roads, about $300 will have to be added to budget (proposed cap of 2 truckloads of gravel per year), which would add $4 to $5 per lot.
·        Herb estimates cutting brush on left side of Shorey Brook Road, only as far as the first driveway, at $2,400.
·        Brush can’t be cut on stream side due to environmental restrictions.
·        Any decision on access road maintenance will require a vote of membership at the annual meeting after briefing is given.
·        Board recommendation is: maintain Eagle Cove Road to curve, and add gravel if needed to Shorey Brook Road, with cap of 2 truckloads per year. No brush cutting or maintenance to other access roads.

Other Business
·        None discussed

Next Meeting
Annual meeting on Saturday, August 7, 2010

Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Bob LaMarche, filling in for Marty LaMarche


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