Monday, December 12, 2011

Minutes to 10/18/2011 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Board Meeting Minutes
October 18,  2011


1) Approving minutes to Annual Meeting (August 06,  2011)
2) Treasurer's Report
3) Road Conditions
Meeting call to order at 7:00pm

In attendence:  Peter, Win, Jean, and Steve

1)  Minutes from Annual Meeting (August 06,  2011):
            Minutes approved unanimously.

2) Treasurer's Report :
                        Payments (Yearly Dues): $2,650.00
                        Balance as of  October 18,  2011: $26,766.42
                        Jean will send out late notices via mail
                        Treasurer's approved unanimously

3)  Road Maintenance:
  • Peter stated that some erosion on the road from rain, but nothing major. Noticed that brush had not been cut on Main Road, Shorey Brook, and Eagle Cove.
  • Peter contacted Herb Jordan, he indicated that he had been flat out, working for the lumber company, reassured by Herb, once he is done, he will work on it. (November).
  • Herb has commited himself to Shorey Brook and that the work will be done by November (maintenance and brush cutting).
  • Peter will follow up with a phone call on November 1st to Herb Jordan to make sure Shorey Brook gets done.In the event that Herb cannot fufill his commitment, Peter will ask Mr. Jordan  for the name of another contractor. 

Next meeting scheduled for December 06, 2011 @ 7:00pm

Meeting adjourned 

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Minutes to 8/6/2011 Annual Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association Annual Meeting Minutes
Saturday, August 6, 2011 10:00 am
Beddington Town Hall, Rte. 193
Board in Attendance: Peter Aten, President, Win Stevens, Vice President, Jean Heath, Treasurer, and Steve Grossi, Secretary

Peter Aten welcomed everyone to the meeting

Neil Butler, Beddington First Selectman, updated association members on town business.

Meeting called to order by Peter Aten, President. Peter asked for a motion to accept last year’s Annual Meeting (8/7/2010) minutes, Steve seconded the motion. All in favor.

Peter recognized Martha LaMarche for her service as past Association Secretary.

Peter mentioned that Herb Jordan was behind by a month in road maintenance due to spring weather. He has graded the main road, he did not grade Eagle Cove as he felt it did not need it. Brush trimming will be done at the end of season. Gravel will be added to Shorey Brook.

Jean Heath gave the Treasurers report:

Last year we had $ 20,510.86
Deposited $5,100.00
Interest $44.33
Expenses - $1,425.90
Extra cash unaccounted for $58.73
Total $ 24,313.00

6/30/11 Balance $ 24,275.29

Brain Govang made motion to approve the Treasurer's Report, Marlene Sullivan seconded the motion.  All in favor.

On behalf of the Board, Peter recommended that the yearly assessment be  updated to $50.00. After discussion, motion approved.

Meeting adjourned 10:45am