Saturday, July 17, 2010

Beddington Lake East Party!

Minutes to 6/30/10 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:01pm on Wednesday, June 30 2010.

Present: Peter, Win, Jean

  1. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting
    1. Win moved to accept, Peter seconds, all in favor.
  2. Road Maintenance Update
    1. Main Road Brush Cutting completed Friday, June 25th.
    2. Eagle Cove Brush Cutting doesn’t appear to have been completed as anticipated. Peter will talk to Herb Jordan on July 10 and arrange to have this done this year.
  3. Treasurers Report
    1. No bill received from Herb Jordan for road grading. Peter will follow up on July 10.
    2. Balance as of end of May is $20,500.59
    3. Win moved to accept, Peter seconded, all in favor.
  4. Annual Meeting Logistics
    1. Mailing is at the printers
    2. Jean will forward the mailing list to the printer, who will mail it.
    3. Town Hall is reserved
    4. Phil White has indicated he will attend
    5. Peter will bring all proxies received by Friday, August 6th.
    6. Peter will put together a proxy checklist to facilitate vote tally, and ballots/pencils.
    7. Herb Jordan is now scheduled to do the road walk on Saturday, July 10 and provide feedback/estimates prior to the annual meeting. Peter is definitely attending and other Board members may do so as well. Peter will send out confirmation of time the Thursday prior.
  5. Other Business
    1. Marty would like to invite other Association members to volunteer as Secretary, as she is overstretched with volunteer work. We will ask for volunteers at the annual meeting.
  6. Next Meeting
    1. Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 3rd.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Aten, President

Minutes to 5/26/10 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call

5/26/10, 7:05 pm

In attendance: Peter, Win, Marty


1) Approve minutes of prior meeting

2) Road Maintenance Update

3) Road Maint./Identification Project

4) Annual Meeting, preparation and logistics.

1) Approve minutes of prior meeting Motion to accept: Win, Second Peter. Minutes approved unanimously.

2) Road Maintenance/Identification Project

Peter reports that road maintenance has been completed.

Regarding Project: Need cost information from Herb Jordan. Peter and Win will meet with Jordan during the third week in June to walk the roads, get his insight and an accurate assessment of needs/costs.

3) Annual Meeting Planning: Date: August 7, 2010

a) Jean will reserve the Hall.

b) Mailing to members by Marty, should be postmarked June 20 or later. Content: Peter will draft letter and proxy to be approved by email. Jean will email treasurer’s report to Marty.

c) Peter will invite Phil White to attend

5) Next board meeting: Tuesday, June 29, 2010.

6) Other: Gravel from gravel pit? Using the gravel pit may require a permit with owner… Win will follow up.

7:35 pm Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Martha LaMarche

Recording Secretary