Friday, March 23, 2007

Minutes to the March 13, 2007 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Homeowners Association
Minutes to the March 13, 2007 Board Meeting

Present: Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Brian Govang, Treasurer; Bob LaMarche, Secretary

Treasurer's Report:
Brian reported that the Association’s finances are in good shape going into Spring road maintenance.

Planned Road Maintenance:
Marlene called Herb Jordan to check on road conditions and Spring maintenance issues. He told her there are three areas of the road that need work due to erosion: Eagle Cove (same stretch included in routine road maintenance), Shorey Brook hill and in front of lot 49. Herb reported that he didn’t think trimming was necessary this year along main road. Marlene, Brian and possibly Peter will meet with Herb during the week of April 9th to review road repair plans.

Board Recruitment
The Board again discussed the need to recruit new members, while maintaining some continuity by having one or two current members continue for another term. Board members will continue to contact friends in the Association in efforts to recruit a few individuals to join. All members of the Board stressed how important it is to have other property owners become involved in the future operation of the Association and to establish a succession of Board officers.

Annual Meeting Filing/Fee
The Association’s annual report and fee filing was signed by all members of the Board and sent to Rudman & Winchell, LLC in Bangor.

Next Board Meeting
The next meeting will be held on April 17 at 7:00 pm.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

Minutes to the January 9, 2007 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Homeowners Association
Minutes to the January 9, 2007 Board Meeting

Present: Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Brian Govang, Treasurer

Treasurer's Report
Brian reported that the spreadsheet is up to date, and we currently have $10, 161.92

Planned Road Maintenance
We discussed the following:

  • Standard road maintenance
  • Additional maintenance on trouble spots. Shorey Brook Hill was given as an example of excessive erosion.
  • Brush trimming on main road, to keep growth down
  • Brush cutting on Eagles Cove Road (same stretch included in routine road maintenance), which was not included in the brush cutting done last year.

Marlene will call Herb Jordan to check in and line things up for May. She will ask about using a brush hog on the main road, and also about cutting on Eagles Cove Rd.

Peter will call the president of the West side association, as they indicated that they use another individual for brush cutting. We’ll evaluate options at our next meeting.

Board Recruitment

The board discussed the need to recruit new members, while maintaining some continuity by having a few current board members continue for another term. Board members agreed to take it upon themselves to contact friends in the Association and recruit a few individuals to join the board. We discussed the willingness of board members present to serve an additional term. To be discussed more fully in a future meeting, prior to the annual meeting.

Annual Meeting Filing/Fee

A question was raised regarding whether Win Steven’s office was handling the annual fee filing, or whether we were to do this. It may be possible to do this on-line.

Peter reported that Win’s office had submitted a document for the annual report filing, to be signed by all members of the Board. Peter was in discussions with Win’s office regarding how the filing was worded, and will follow up on this and the annual fee filing.


We have identified where the signs will be purchased, and will proceed with this in the May timeframe.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on March 13 at 7:00pm