Thursday, August 22, 2024

Minutes to August 3, 2024 Annual Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association Annual Meeting

Date: 8/3/2024

Called to Order: 10:32

Quorum: Yes.

Minutes from last annual meeting approved.

Treasurer report:

  • One outstanding payment from lot 46 for association dues.
  • In the future, liens may be issued for lack of payment
  • Treasurer report approved.

Road Update:

  • The road is currently in great shape and is not in need of any work.
  • The road maintenance has been done 2 or 3 times already this year.
  • If needed in the fall, we will re-evaluate
  • We will have a contractor come evaluate and or work on Eagle Cove

No other non-maintenance issues.

The board is in support of keeping the dues at $50.  Motion: "I motion on behalf of the board a $50 per lot annual assessment for the coming year. For the following year, we propose charging up to $150. If we have a quorum as next year’s meeting we can vote on a specific amount at that time. In the absence of a quorum, the proposal for next year will continue indefinitely." Approved.

Motion to donate $100 to Beddington fire department approved.

Motion to donate $100 to Deblois fire department approved.

Meeting adjourned at 10:46.

Respectfully submitted, Sara Stevens

Town Meeting updates and changes – Jean (Selectboard Chair)


1. Dog has to be on a leash (if off your property)

2. Rental registration required if you have rental properties (our road has 1 or 2)

3. Fire department growing. 8-10 firefighters now.

4. Building without a permit will result in a fine. (Following DEP and shoreline

zoning rules and regulations)

5. 1 year moratorium to any high-tension power lines.

6. 1 year moratorium to any commercial solar fields

7. Mill rate Taxes went from 6.4 (last year) to 8.1 this year. There are 10 students in

school this year.

8. Dump stickers are coming (they are going to be blue this year). Red stickers are

still good until blue ones have been in distribution for one month.

9. 10, 16, 17 lots Possible land use change from resource protection

a. For example Jean has been working with land owners who were in that

classification (green on the map) who need to build 250 feet from the

water. To buildable lakeside limited residential (yellow on map – can build

100 feet from the water.) Process takes at least 1 year to monitor any

changes and town meeting approval. Planning board has meeting and

needs to approve. Then DEP also has to approve it with all municipal due


10:31 Municipal update complete

Friday, June 07, 2024

Minutes to June 5, 2024 Board Meeting

 Minutes to June 5, 2024 Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association Board Meeting

Called to order 7:07 PM, 6/5/2024

Present Jean Heath, Peter Aten, Sara Stevens

Minutes from last meeting approved. 

Treasurer report approved. 

The road is currently in great shape and is not in need of any work. 

The annual meeting letter will go out on or around June 14.

2 (two) lots have not paid their association dues. 

The board is in support of keeping the dues at $50

Meeting adjourned at 7:33

Respectfully submitted, Sara Stevens

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Minutes to April 4, 2024 Board Meeting

 April 4, 2024

BLERMA Board Meeting

Present: Peter Aten, President; Bill Leithiser, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; Sara Stevens, Secretary

7:13PM called to order.

Sept. 14 Meeting minutes approved.

Balance:   $13441.92

3 outstanding lot dues.  (One will be likely be paid) the other two are harder

Do we want to solicit dues from camps that use it to access Spruce Mt. Camps. The road seems to be in bad shape nearer to the gravel pit. Will be discussed next meeting.

Next meeting June 5

Annual meeting Aug 3

Meeting adjourned 7:58. PM

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Minutes to September 14, 2023 Board Meeting

 Minutes to September 14, 2023 Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

In Attendance: Peter Aten, President; Bill Leithiser, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; Sara Stevens, Secretary

Meeting called to order 7:09PM

Motion to accept annual meeting minutes; Peter motion, Bill 2nd. Passed.

TOPIC: Road Conditions

Motion by Bill:  spend authorized $3000 on Shorey Brook. It is on map so association will maintain that.

The board encourages the other camp owners who are on roads not on the map to work with the neighbors to maintain private roads.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Minutes to August 5, 2023 Annual Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Minutes to August 5, 2023 Annual Meeting

Board members present: Peter Aten, President; Bill Leithiser, Vice President; Jean Heath, Secretary

Beddington Selectperson Jean Kaye joined before the meeting to share news regarding the town. Highlights included:

  • Beddington is growing, and at a faster rate than any other town in Maine. There are currently 65 residents. 
  • The tax rate went down in 2023, but with 9 students now in town taxes will probably go up next year.
  • Increasing property sale prices are prompting the state to ask for a re-evaluation of property in town.
  • The fire department now has 10 volunteer members.

The association meeting was called to order at 10:24am. Peter Aten confirmed that a quorum existed, with 24 lots represented in person or by proxy, and thanked everyone who attended or submitted a proxy.

Minutes to last year’s annual meeting were accepted by a show of hands.

Treasurer’s Report

Jean Heath gave the treasurer’s report, supplementing what was in the annual meeting notice. Bank balance on 6/30 was $15,960.83. All dues have now been paid. The treasurer’s report was accepted by a show of hands.

Road Maintenance

An extensive discussion of road conditions and next steps ensued.

  • Main road was graded twice in the spring (only once by us) but a combination of rain and dump trucks in and out of the first gravel pit distressed that part of the road. However, the company doing the hauling graded that section when they were done, and the road is in decent shape for this time of year given all the rain we’ve had. We do plan a 2nd grading this year.
  • Eagle Cove was graded to the end as planned.
  • Shorey Brook - we agreed last year to add gravel to low spots, but that’s not work our contractor does. Attendees were aware of a few contractors that might be good options. Dave Hazard agreed to contact one of them and report back to the Board.
  • Tuckers Lane, Govangs Gulch and Pond Lane - We agreed last year to get estimates to maintain these roads. We were unsuccessful as our contractor doesn’t do that work. Dave Hazard agreed to review this with the contractor he is contacting, and again report back to the Board.
  • Discussion was held regarding whether to proceed with this work prior to the next annual meeting, or to bring the estimates back to the group. Kevin Peary motioned to authorize the Board to spend up to $3,000 to treat Govangs Gulch and Shorey Brook, in the interest of getting this work done. Work on Tuckers Lane is expected to be more expensive. The motion was seconded and approved by a show of hands. Further discussion raised the question of exactly which roads were the Association’s responsibility. It was agreed to have the Board review the question again, and to not perform maintenance on any road where Association responsibility was in question. In those cases, membership can decide at a future meeting to amend the Bylaws or Covenants as appropriate to include additional roads if desired.

Annual Assessment

Peter motioned the following: “I motion on behalf of the board a $50 per lot annual assessment for the coming year. For the following year, we propose charging up to $150. If we have a quorum as next year’s meeting we can vote on a specific amount at that time. In the absence of a quorum, the proposal for next year will continue indefinitely.” After the motion was seconded, discussion ensued. This language, determined with the assistance of legal counsel, is intended to protect the Board’s ability to respond to Association needs in the absence of a quorum. Association members should be interested to attend the annual meeting specifically so that the Board doesn’t need to exercise this authority to raise the assessment without a vote. After discussion, the motion was passed by a show of hands.

Board Election

As in every odd-numbered year, a board election is required for a two year term. Peter, Jean and Bill agreed to stand for election again, with no others challenging them, leaving only the position of Secretary open. Sara Stevens of lots 56/57 offered to serve, and with no others expressing interest that slate of officers was approved by a show of hands.

Other Business

  • Peter’s motion to give $100 to the Beddington Fire Department was approved by a show of hands.
  • Peter’s motion to give $100 to the Deblois Fire Department was approved by a show of hands.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00am

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Aten

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Minutes to June 14, 2023 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association

Minutes to the June 14, 2023 Board Meeting

Present: Peter Aten, President; Bill Leithiser, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer

Meeting called to order at 7:03

Minutes of the April 11, 2023 meeting were unanimously accepted.

Treasurer’s report

  • Jean reported that all 2022 dues have finally been paid. 
  • Bank balance is now $17,067.24.

Road conditions

  • Grading was completed in late May, after someone else (Wyman’s?) graded it earlier in the month.
  • Eagle Cove was graded to the end, as agreed.
  • Shorey Brook Ln did not have gravel added as intended. A conversation with our contractor indicated that he did not have the right equipment for that work, since a grader can’t get down that road. We’re following up another contractor to see if/when this work can be scheduled.
  • Our contractor also looked at Tucker’s Lane and Govang’s Gulch/Pond Ln. Again these roads are too narrow for his equipment so he could not provide an estimate for maintaining them.
  • The section of East Bedd Lake Rd from Route 9 to the first gravel pit deteriorated quickly after grading. During that period of time there was a lot of rain, and also a lot of dump truck traffic out of the gravel pit. 

Annual Meeting

  • Town hall has been secured, and a select person will be present.
  • The board discussed what recommendation to make for an annual assessment.
  • Jim Tucker, Secretary has communicated his intention to resign from the board so we will be looking for a candidate to take that position.

No other business. Meeting adjourned at 7:28pm.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Minutes to April 11, 2023 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association 

Minutes to April 11, 2023 Board Meeting

Present: Peter Aten, President; Bill Leitheiser, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer

Meeting called to order shortly after 7:00pm

Minutes to the prior meeting on August 6, 2022 were unanimously accepted

Treasurers Report
  • Current balance is $17.184.03
  • Taxes have been filed
  • Two lots remain unpaid after 4 notices. One of those lot owners, reached by phone, acknowledged having received all 4 notices and, after giving Jean a hard time, agreed to finally pay.

Road conditions
  • The road is reportedly in rough shape after use during the winter months, as has been customary the past few years.
  • Peter will contact the contractor regarding 3 specific items
    • Grade to the end of Eagle Cove Ln, which was missed by our contractor last year
    • Add gravel to Shorey Brook Ln, as agreed at the 2022 annual meeting
    • Estimate the cost to maintain other association roads serving multiple camps, as agreed at the 2022 annual meeting

Annual Meeting: the date was set as Saturday, August 5 2023

Next Meeting: We will plan to reconvene on Wednesday June 14 at 7pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm

Respectfully submitted,
Peter Aten, President