Minutes to June 14, 2023 Board Meeting
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Minutes to the June 14, 2023 Board Meeting
Present: Peter Aten, President; Bill Leithiser, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer
Meeting called to order at 7:03
Minutes of the April 11, 2023 meeting were unanimously accepted.
Treasurer’s report
- Jean reported that all 2022 dues have finally been paid.
- Bank balance is now $17,067.24.
Road conditions
- Grading was completed in late May, after someone else (Wyman’s?) graded it earlier in the month.
- Eagle Cove was graded to the end, as agreed.
- Shorey Brook Ln did not have gravel added as intended. A conversation with our contractor indicated that he did not have the right equipment for that work, since a grader can’t get down that road. We’re following up another contractor to see if/when this work can be scheduled.
- Our contractor also looked at Tucker’s Lane and Govang’s Gulch/Pond Ln. Again these roads are too narrow for his equipment so he could not provide an estimate for maintaining them.
- The section of East Bedd Lake Rd from Route 9 to the first gravel pit deteriorated quickly after grading. During that period of time there was a lot of rain, and also a lot of dump truck traffic out of the gravel pit.
Annual Meeting
- Town hall has been secured, and a select person will be present.
- The board discussed what recommendation to make for an annual assessment.
- Jim Tucker, Secretary has communicated his intention to resign from the board so we will be looking for a candidate to take that position.
No other business. Meeting adjourned at 7:28pm.