Minutes of August 7, 2021 Annual Meeting
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Minutes of August 7th, 2021 Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order at 10:09 AM
Present: Jean Heath, Treasurer; James Tucker, Secretary.
This annual meeting did not meet the minimum quorum, there were 15 members present between proxies and in person. A minimum of 23 members is required for an official meeting. This meeting was held for informational purposes with no voting, due to the lack of a quorum.
Town Selectperson Jean Kaye was present to give an overview of town items of interest and answer any questions by members.
2020 Annual Meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted by members present.
Jean Heath presented the treasurer’s report. Bank balance as of 08/07/2021 is $15,511.75. All association dues are paid at this time and all current association bills are paid.
Discussion on road conditions and maintenance plan.
Spring road grading completed with major issues of concern identified.
With the lack of a quorum association dues will remain at $50.00 through 2022.
There was discussion regarding the road before the end of the season and a majority of members preferred for it to be graded. We will be checking with the paper company to see if they have any intentions of grading the road, due to their activity.
Association will gift $100.00 to the Beddington Fire Department.
Election of association officers will be postponed until the 2022 annual meeting, at which time we will hopefully have a quorum.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.