Minutes of August 1, 2020 Annual Meeting
Minutes to August 1, 2020, Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order at 10:10 a.m.
Board members present: Peter Aten, President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; James Tucker, Secretary.
Due to COVID-19 this meeting was conducted via Zoom video conference. A quorum was not met for this meeting. There was no voting by the association, however the Board did have the ability to make decisions on the below issues.
Prior Annual Meeting Minutes
Were reviewed, but no vote due to lack of quorum.
Treasurer’s Report
Current balance $15,152.20. Association Membership list has been updated.
Road Maintenance discussion
Spring road grading was done well with roads still in good conditions. The roads will be re-evaluated before the end of the season, to determine if additional grading will be required.
Association Dues
A discussion was entered into in regards to the board having the ability to raise the dues up to $150 next year, due to the quorum not being met. Dues for this coming year were set at $50.
Board Elections
Due to lack of quorum there were no elections. The Board has appointed Bill Leithiser Lot 15E to the position of Vice President to fill that vacancy till next years annual meeting, where it can be voted on by the association.
The Board agreed to contribute $100 to the Beddington Volunteer Fire Department.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.