Minutes of February 24, 2020 Board Meeting
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Minutes of February 24th 2020, Board Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:12PM via telephone
Present: Peter Aten, President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; James Tucker, Secretary.
Minutes of the August 3rd, 2019, Annual Meeting were unanimously accepted.
Jean Heath presented the treasurer’s report. Bank balance is $15,511.26. All association dues are paid except for two lots that Jean is having difficulty in locating the owners.
Discussion on road conditions and maintenance plan:
- Will speak with Randy Madden about using his brush hog instead waiting for the brush to grow higher and needing the more expensive larger machine.
- Roads will be evaluated and graded once mud season is over.
- Wyman’s Blueberries had graded the road late last summer, this was beneficial in that the association didn’t need to pay for the grading.
Marlene Sullivan has stepped down as the association Vice President. Marlene will be truly missed and was a great asset to our association. Peter will lead a search for someone to fill the vice president position.
Annual Meeting has been set Saturday August 1st, 2020. Looking to send out mailers by 06/12/20.
The board agreed to meet again sometime in late May or early June. Peter will send out a reminder.
Meeting adjourned 7:37PM.