Minutes to August 5, 2017 Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order at 10:12 after introductory Q&A with Neil Butler, First Selectman.
Quorum confirmed with 23 lots represented in person or by proxy. (Nathan Perry later joined for 24 lots represented)
Prior Annual Meeting Minutes – motion to accept by Peter Aten, seconded by David Hazard. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report – motion to accept by David Hazard, seconded by Jim Crowley. Jean Heath reiterated what was presented in the annual meeting mailing, with no significant expenditures since May 1. All in favor.
Road Maintenance discussion
- Brush was cut in the fall and road was graded in the spring as planned.
- Shorey Brook culvert has been replaced by a bridge as anticipated, at a cost to the paper company of $55,000. The association had pledged to contribute $2000 to this last year. As it turned out, that money was spent on grading the road near the bridge after construction was completed. Some in the audience noted disappointment that the bridge was one lane vs. two though it was confirmed that construction equipment has been able to pass over the bridge. Concerns were raised regarding openings on either side of the bridge that a vehicle might go through, and also regarding dirt that might wash out from rain. The Board is in the process of ordering signs to post on either side of the bridge to warn motorists to slow down in anticipation of a narrow bridge, and will follow up with the paper company regarding vegetation to reduce risk of erosion.
- Concern was raised over vehicle speed on the road. Marlene proposed that we improve sightlines by having brush on the road cut back to the utility poles again. She had a quote to do the work for no more than $3900. Jim Crowley motioned that we have this work done. Seconded by Dave Hazard. All in favor.
- Increased washboarding in recent years was noted. Road contractors have indicated that last year’s dry summer contributed to this, as would recent increased logging activity. Our contractor also pointed out the impact that year-round use has. Additionally, we benefited in past years from having the blueberry company grade the road during the summer which is unlikely this year given blueberry prices. Jean Heath has done some research on road materials, and we might benefit from paying more for gravel with greater clay content. In regards to Shorey Brook hill, there was also discussion about the possibility of flattening the top of the hill to reduce the grade.
- The Board agreed to contact several additional contractors to research options for improving the road surface. As these options would introduce new costs to the association, it was agreed to bring these back to the membership for discussion at next year’s meeting.
- We discussed potentially grading the road in the fall annually as well. The paper company indicated that they will grade when their work is done, and it was agreed that it didn't make sense for us to bring in additional fill or grade the road while they are still logging.
Association Dues
- The Board expressed concern about maintaining a sufficient balance in light of almost $6000 in new costs either agreed to or already completed, as well as the likelihood that routine annual expenses may increase based on prior discussion.
- Bill Leithiser motioned that we increase annual dues to $60. Bob Lewis seconded. Discussion ensued regarding whether that was sufficient. Dave Hazard motioned that we increase annual dues to $75. Seconded by Nathan Perry. All in favor.
Election of Board members
- Peter noted that with Marty and Bob Lamarche selling their camp, the position of Secretary was open. Current Board members had volunteered to serve another term. Jim Tucker has volunteered to serve as Secretary if elected.
- Peter motioned to vote of a slate of: President, Peter Aten; Vice President, Marlene Sullivan; Treasurer, Jean Heath; and Secretary, Jim Tucker. Seconded by Dave Hazard. All in favor.
- Dave Hazard thanked Marlene and Peter for their efforts to have the road repaired after bridge construction. Peter thanked Dave for being present to oversee the work.
Peter motioned to contributed $100 to the Beddington Volunteer Fire Department. Seconded by Nathan Perry. All in favor.
Peter thanked Jim Tucker for volunteering to host the annual party later this afternoon.
Peter thanked those in attendance for taking the time to help the association function. Without that participation we would lose the input necessary to make good decisions and importantly, the quorum necessary to authorize any important decisions.
With no other business, Peter motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Dave Hazard. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:03am.