Minutes to 5/31/2016 Board Meeting
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 31 7:00pm
In Attendance: Peter Aten, Marlene Sullivan, Jean Heath
Not in Attendance: Marty Lamarche
1) Approve minutes to last meeting - Motioned by Peter, seconded by Marlene. All in favor
2) Treasurer's report - $13,559.86 balance as of 4/30. No significant outstanding bills.
3) Update on road conditions
- Peter made Herb Jordan aware of the $4500 spending limit without additional consultation, as approved at the last board meeting.
- The washout last year near lot 49, fixed by Mike Sullivan, has remained stable
- The main road has been graded
- Marlene spoke with Debbie Burgoyne today regarding the washout at the logging road turnoff between Eagle Cove Rd and Shorey Brook Rd. Paper company contractor reviewed current culvert and thought it was sufficient. Marlene agreed to contact Debbie the next time it occurs.
- Peter spoke with Debbie Burgoyne as well since last meeting. The paper company is planning to put in a bridge over Shorey Brook, not just replace the culvert. They have implemented a temporary repair to the culvert but it's not permanent. They plan to do this in Sept, they will provide ample notice, and will grade the road to Pleasant River Lake as an alternative route to the Airline. Debbie said that the bridge will cost over $50,000 and they requested that the association contribute $2000 in cost sharing. After some discussion the board agreed that in light of the total cost this was a reasonable request.
The board revisited finances in light of this unanticipated expense. The Board's top priority is not surprising the membership with unexpected assessments or worse yet not having funds available to pay contractors for unanticipated work. As such, looking at past history of bills up to $9000, it was recommended by Jean and agreed by all to keep a balance of at least $10,000. After some discussion, the Board agreed to revise our annual dues recommendation for this year's annual meeting to $50 per lot.
4) Annual Meeting prep
- Peter spoke with Neil Butler and reserved the town hall for 8/6. Neil is available to speak.
- Peter sent his updates to Marty.
- Jean will send treasurer's report tomorrow.
- Win Stevens also kindly volunteered to host party. Peter let him know we would contact him if plans with Dave Hazard did not work out.
Next meeting will be the annual meeting on 8/6.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Aten