Minutes to April 19, 2016 Board meeting
BLERMA Board Meeting
4/19/16 7pm
In attendance: Peter, Marlene, Jean, Marty
1) Approve minutes to annual meeting. Marlene motions; Peter seconds.
2) Treasurer's Report - Jean $13,558.75. All invoices paid and up to date. Outstanding assessments: Golden's camp. Chism's is unpaid, new owners have not filed deed yet. Jean will follow up with Dottie at end of April.
3) Road conditions and priorities for this year: Marlene's report: pot holes. Mike filled in what he could, but still has pot holes. It's passable. Where the logging is active, a culvert was put in last year. It's going to be replaced. It's not doing its job, not big enough. Marlene spoke with Debbie.
Also, the big culvert under Beddington Lake Road is breaking at the top and will be replaced by the paper company and blueberry company. They will advise us how long it will be under construction. Peter will follow up with Debbie.
Winter plowing is moving a lot of the dirt we put down. This is something we need to watch.
Fall's washout (that Mike repaired), is doing good. Mike spent $100 on gas.
Grading: Herb should be able to grade. Should we grade now? Marlene recommends it. The paper company probably will repair whatever they damage.
Marlene: Herb would like to have a budget and then have the okay to do what he needs to do. Marlene vouches for Herb's credibility. Peter recommends that we advise Herb about repairs that we have made. Marlene recommends that we ask Herb to check out the rocks that he placed last year b/c they may be washing out.
Grading Budget: Over the last few years we have paid $2000-3500. Most recently it was $9000. Then there were a few years when the paper and blueberry companies did most of the work and saved us about half. $4500 is the final recommendation after discussion. All the board members are in agreement.
4) Date for annual meeting, and meeting logistics. First Saturday in August, the 6th at 10am. All board members are in agreement. Marty will create and produce the annual report document. Peter will provide cover letter, proxy form. Jean provide Treasurer's Report. Marty will copy minutes from website. Mailing will be June 15th. All materials to Marty by June 1st. Peter will contact the town regarding the hall. Dave Hazard has offered his garage for the gathering. Budget is the amount agreed upon at annual meeting a couple of years ago.
5) Annual Dues: $25.00 per lot is recommended for this year. Jean recommends level does not drop below $10,000. Next year we will probably need $50.00 per lot. All in agreement.
6) Peter will update board via email. Marty will email a gentle reminder for info needed for mailing.
7) The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 31st. 7pm.
8) Other business? Marlene doesn't know what the side roads are like. Trails may be open by May 1st.
7:50pm meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Martha LaMarche, Secretary.