Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Minutes to 6/2/2015 Board meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association Board Meeting 
6‐2‐15, 7:00 pm

In Attendance: Peter, Marlene, Jean, Marty

Peter moves to accept meeting minutes. Jean seconds. All in favor.

Treasurer's Report 
Balance is $13,936.10   Peter moves to accept Treasurers Report. Marlene seconds. All in favor.

Road Conditions
Marlene called paper company about grading road due to logging activity, with intent to reach out to Herb Jordan to delay his work until later in the year.  However, Herb Jordan performed the grading before she could call to cancel. The roads had been pretty bad. Thank you Marlene for calling the paper company.    Two  homeowners are requesting snow plowing. The foresters came in through Pleasant River b/c the plowed road would have been damaged by their snow/skid vehicle.  The board will look into what the possibilities are.  Our association mandate is to maintain the roads as they were when we became owners.

Annual Meeting 
Date First Saturday in August.   August 1 Party:  ?  ask for host(s) Explain the need for a quorum. Ask for updated contact info in the mailing.  Updated phone, email and cell. Mailing will post after June 12. Peter will create a sign in sheet. Peter will call Neil to schedule the town hall.   Mailing: Marty will send a pdf to board for review...hopefully tomorrow. Approve via email. Annual Dues Roads look good Assessment: the board recommends $25 per lot. The assessment will default back to $50 per lot if we do not have a quorum at meeting.

Next Meeting will be the annual meeting. Marty moves to adjourn meeting. Peter seconds all in favor. Meeting adjourned