Minutes to 1/21/2014 Board meeting
BLERMA Board Meeting
7 pm
In Attendance: Peter Aten, Marlene
Sullivan, Jean Heath, Marty LaMarche
Meeting called to order.
1) Approve annual meeting Minutes:
Jean makes motion. Marlene seconds. All in favor.
2) Treasurer's Report: $24274.57
One camp has dues outstanding.
One telephone conversation. Two notices mailed.
Money still outstanding.
Third notice is being sent.
No bills road expenses because Wyman's and the logging company are
grading the road.
Jean paid the brush cutting bill. All invoices paid and up to date.
3) amount of dues for next year. Will be discussed after we hear from Herb.
4) Discussion of all road needs.
Investigate erosion. Perhaps excessive grading of the road by Wymans
and logging company. Also, ask Herb to inspect Eagle's Cove and Shorey Brook
every year.
Marlene observed grading multiple times. She and Mike were told by the
crew that the road bed is getting thin. Needs fill. Discussion of washouts. We
need to ask Herb about adding fill to East Beddington Lake Road where needed.
When will logging company be finished?
Marlene will call Herb about the above. Perhaps contact logging company
after we hear from Herb regarding costs.
5) Meeting date and BBQ:
Annual Meeting set for Saturday, August 9th
Discussion of making an assistance budget for hosting the annual BBQ.
Discussing an allowance for hot dogs and paper goods will be added to annual
meeting agenda. A check can be written for this year at the meeting.
Mike and Marlene Sullivan will host the gathering this year.
Marty will make flyer.
Annual notice of meeting will mail in mid June.
Date of next Board Meeting
March 25, 7pm
Meeting Adjourned