Minutes to 12/6/2011 Board Meeting
Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Board Meeting Minutes
December 06, 2011
1) Approving the minutes for October 18, 2011 meeting
2) Treasurer's Report
3) Road Conditions
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
In attendence: Peter, Jean, and Steve
1) Minutes from Meeting (October 18, 2011):
Minutes approved by Peter, Jean seconded.
2) Treasurer's Report :
Balance as of December 06, 2011: 27,475.24
Assoc. dues unpaid (3) 150.00
Treasurer's report approved unanimously
3) Road Maintenance:
Peter stated that the brush was cut on Shorey Brook. Peter contacted Herb Jordan, he indicated that Shorey Brook was done by his sub contractor(Cabin Garden). Herb was concerned with the width of the right of way for Shorey Brook Rd and Lot #5. Herb has also brought in gravel for Shorey Brook.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2012 @ 7:00pm
Meeting adjourned @ 7:30pm