Sunday, August 28, 2011

Minutes to 7/26/2011 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
July 26, 2011 Board Meeting
Present: Peter Aten, President; Win Stevens, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer
Not Present: Steve Grossi, Secretary

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm

Prior Meeting Minutes
Win motioned to approve minutes to the prior meeting.  Jean seconded, and motion was approved.

Treasurer’s report
·         $24,371.15 current balance
·         Maintenance of road by logging company is keeping it in great shape and reducing our expenses
·         Trimming by power company will also reduce expenses vs. what was expected
·         Remaining Expenses for 2011
o   Check to Herb Jordan for grading main road has been cut but not cashed
o   Annual meeting expenses TBD
o   Trimming brush on main road and Eagle Cove
o   Maintenance to Shorey Brook Ln.
o   Dues mailing
·         Win motioned to approve Treasurer’s report, Peter seconded, and motion was approved.

Annual Assessment
·         At last year’s annual meeting the assessment was set at $75 with the thought that based on prior year expenses plus adding maintenance to Shorey Brook Ln, funds balance would gradually decrease. 
·         Based on savings noted above plus delayed expenses, balance is not falling as rapidly as projected
·         Board agreed to recommend annual assessment amount of $50 for 2011

Road Report
·         Peter walked Shorey Brook Ln with Herb Jordan and confirmed required maintenance.  Power company has trimmed some brush which will help.  Herb confirmed prior estimate of $2500-$3000 for first year maintenance.  He will not widen road but will plan to create a few areas where traffic can pass, in addition to adding gravel and trimming brush.  Work will likely be in the early fall, as he is behind schedule on lumber company work due to the wet spring weather.
·         Brush trimming – Power company has trimmed around power lines.  Herb will trim main road and Eagle cove later in the season.

Annual Meeting
·         First Selectman Neil Butler is planning to attend
·         Peter will bring spreadsheets to validate contact info and record attendance

·         The Maine legislature has legalized fireworks.  Municipalities can vote to restrict fireworks.  Board agreed that this would be a good topic to discuss with members and Neil Butler after the meeting.
·         Taxes – confirm with Neil that tax bills received are the only ones for the year, and cause of decrease in amount.
·         Officers – the same slate of officers will be presented for election
·         Liability and Errors & Omissions insurance – Peter raised the question of whether the association should carry liability insurance in case of an accident on the road, and E&O insurance for the board.  Win knows people with experience in this area and will check into it.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.  Next meeting will be the annual meeting at 10am on Saturday, August 6th.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Aten