Thursday, November 20, 2008

Board of Directors 11/18/08 minutes

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Telephone Conference, 11-18-2008, 7:05pm
In attendance: Peter Aten, Marlene Sullivan, Brian Govang, Marty LaMarche

1) Status of collection efforts
2) Treasurer’s Report
3) Status of covenants and bylaws attorney review

1) Status of collection efforts
Peter: Where do we stand with collection?

Brian: Collection: One delinquent...lot 10. Spoke with owner three wks ago, she promised payment in two weeks; no payment received. The (new) last collection form letter will be sent out, this is the first time we've had to do that. Regarding letter that is going out, the name on the letterhead should be old (BLEHOA) name as legal documents have not been drawn up reflecting the new name. EIN#? Same legal issues. We are following procedure on collection.

Peter: Be sure to give telephone contact info on the letter.

Brian: Can add easily enough. The last letter crossed in the mail with a check and the lot owner was not happy.

Peter: All in agreement on sending letter?

All: Yes

Brian: Due to go out on the 24th; names have not been added to the posting of delinquent lot numbers...keep it and to point, but we don't want to be harsh or feel like a collection agency...names are unnecessary.

Peter and all: Thanks Brian.

Brian: Will follow up in the next couple of days. Happens every year with same person.

Marlene: Can we attach late fee after second payment.

Brian: I don't recommend...every year there's only four certified letters that have to be sent,
this is the first return receipt's not been a problem before.

Peter: Agreed...not a chronic problem.

2) Treasurer’s Report

Brian: $18,000 in bank... before attorney fees are paid out for document review.

3) Status of covenants and bylaws attorney review

Peter: Attorneys have read Articles of Incorporation amendments... In agreement with Brian that we need to change secretary name from Bob to Marty in order to be accurate. Attorney just needs to send the updated docs to Peter for signature, then to Marty to sign, Marty sends to attorney. Still waiting to hear from attorneys about Bylaws and Covenants. Attorney wants word doc with flags removed.

Peter will remove flags and Brian will advise, if necessary.

Brian: Q: Why are attorneys involved in Bylaws?

Peter: Making sure all is in order.

Brian: Want to be sure language in docs is the language voted on by members.

Peter: Very comfortable with Win involved in process...make sure we have due diligence.

Marlene: Advocates making sure all is in order.

Marty: Agreed.

Brian: When will docs be completed and registered? Attorneys finished with their work?

Peter: Do not have a sense of that. Couple of days? Couple of weeks? Hard to imagine that it could take longer. Anyone here have experience w/revising these types of legal docs?

All: No.

Peter: Is everyone comfortable with tracking via e-mail? Get together if need be?

All: Yes.

Peter: Anything else? Next meeting? Not December ... early January better.

All: Agreed.

Next meeting: January 13 at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:30

Respectfully submitted.
Martha LaMarche
Recording Secretary

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lost floating trampoline

A floating trampoline washed up on the shore of lot 42, and the lot owners are hoping to reunite it with the trampoline owners. If this is your trampoline, please come collect it before the ice does it's thing!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Beddington Lake on Facebook

If you are on Facebook, you might consider joining the "Beddington Lake Appreciation Society" and post your favorite photographs, videos and comments there. If you aren't on Facebook - join up, it's free! Click here.

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