Sunday, October 14, 2007

Time to Close Up

It's that time of year when those of us with seasonal camps brave the chilly waters to haul in the docks, pull out the rafts, slide out the boats, and close up the camp. Taking out anything that could freeze over the winter - dish soap, water, pasta sauce - you name it.

For those of you who winter year round at Beddington Lake - take pictures for us and tell us how it is going! If you don't know how to post, email me at I'll help!

We will miss the pine-scented woods, the blue-gray lake, Lead Mountain, red squirrels, hummingbirds, turtles, deer, moose, eagles, ducks and loons. And the dragonflies and damselflies (but not the horse and black flies.)

It's always a long winter, to be sure.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Minutes to 9/4/07 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

September 4, 2007

Board Members Present: Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice-President; Brian Govang, Treasurer
Not Present: Bob LaMarche, Secretary
Guest: Win Stevens, Registered Agent

Prior Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the July 24 meeting were approved.

Remaining Road Maintenance
Brian has contacted Herb Jordan regarding brush cutting in front of Lot 18, and informed the group that the owner has put up signs marking the boundary lines and alerting the contractor not to cut. Mr. Jordan indicated that brush cutting would take place in late September or early October.

Follow Up from Annual Meeting
Peter will send Brian a compiled list of email and phone # updates from the meeting sign-in sheet.

Bylaws Amendment
Brian volunteered to retype the Bylaws in Word, then revise them so as to highlight the changes. He will distribute for review, to assure no typos. Win confirmed that while the Covenants would need to be filed if revised, the Bylaws do not. When property is transferred, we will send a copy of the Bylaws to the new owners. We generally discover this via the annual dues notice.

Lot Subdivision
The board discussed next steps. With regard to Spruce Mountain Lake, as abutters we should get notified of any subdivision. Win volunteered to contact Eaton, Peabody to determine plans for subdivision and whether the new lots will be compelled to join and/or contribute to our association.

With regard to subdivision in general, the Board recalled Rick Decarteret indicating that a 20 acre minimum was being pursued as part of the comprehensive plan. We believe the comprehensive plan is approved, but Peter will contact Rick to confirm what remains in order to implement it.
* Is the comprehensive plan approved by the state already?
* Does a subdivision plan exist?
* Is the 20 acre limit accurate, and if so already approved and in effect?

Annual Dues Mailing
Brian will send this out shortly. Peter will forward Brian the annual meeting minutes to be included in the mailing.

Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00pm. Peter will send out a reminder prior to the meeting.