Minutes to August 4, 2018, Annual Meeting
10:03 a.m. introductory Q&A with Phil White, First Selectman
Discussion focused on the increase in property taxes this year. Phil explained the increase was due to several factors including increases in the county tax, school budget and for the plowing and sanding of town roads.
Phil stated if you feel that your property is overvalued you can contact Doug Guy III, the town tax assessor. He can be reached at 207-263-6824 or dougguy@myfairpoint.net.
Meeting called to order at 10:11 a.m.
Quorum confirmed with 28 lots represented in person or by proxy.
Prior Annual Meeting Minutes
Motion to accept by Peter Aten, seconded by Ethel Crowley. No Discussion. All in favor.
Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept by David Hazard, seconded by Ethel Crowley. Discussion on $110 legal bill for filing state paperwork. Jean Heath stated that grading by the paper company has saved the association at minimum six thousand dollars. All in favor.
Road Maintenance discussion
Shorey Brook Hill continues to be an issue with extensive washboarding. Options that were discussed are the use of calcium chloride, additional grading during the year and reducing the height of the hill. The most feasible option to explore at this time would be additional grading, the other two options would be very expensive.
A second grading of all the roads this fall was discussed in conjunction with redoing Shorey Brook Hill. The expense of bringing in the heavy equipment for just doing that small section of road may not be cost effective. Marlene informed members that the logging company will be back in the area this fall and we should hold off on any grading until they complete their work and possibly grade the road. Marlene also stated that Wyman’s is no longer grading the road.
There was discussion on ATVs traveling on association roads at high speeds and reckless operation. Members are encouraged to report all violations or hazardous operation to the Maine State Fish & Game Department.
There was discussion that the entire length of Eagle Cove Road has not been graded for some time. The section of road does not need grading at this time and will be monitored and graded as needed.
There was discussion on brush cutting, looking at options of using a brush hog to keep road brush down to lower levels and not wait for brush to grow to the height that requires heavy machinery to remove. The board will look into options.
Peter called for a non-binding vote to see if members would be interested in grading all roads twice a year instead of just once. With the understanding with this additional cost, it would raise dues. The non-binding vote passed for grading twice a year.
Amendment to Bylaws
Non-Quorum Default, “In the absence of a quorum, the annual assessment per lot shall default to the greater of $100 or the prior year’s assessment amount. The Association Board shall have the power to reduce the default amount at their discretion by a majority vote of Board members.”
Peter motioned to accept the bylaws amendment and it was seconded by Dave Hazard. All in favor.
Association Dues
Dave Hazard motioned that we keep the annual dues to $75. Ethel Crowley seconded. No discussion. All in favor.
Other Business
Win Stevens motioned to contribute $100 to the Beddington Volunteer Fire Department. Seconded by Stephen Young. Discussion that the Fire Department did an outstanding job in containing the fire on the lower part of the lake this past year. All in favor.
Peter thanked those in attendance for taking the time to attend the meeting and thanked Marlene & Mike Sullivan for hosting this year’s Annual Picnic.
With no other business, Peter motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Dave Hazard. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:56 a.m.
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