Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Minutes to February 22, 2017 Board Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
February 22, 2017 Board Meeting

Peter Aten, President; Marlene Sullivan, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer

Approve prior meeting minutes
The board voted unanimously to approve minutes of the annual meeting.

Treasurer's Report
There is currently a $14,723.27 balance.

All dues for 2016 have been collected except for two camps; Jean is following up with those owners directly (again). 

Jean is sending tax information to the accountant.

Road Conditions/Priorities
After the annual meeting Peter spoke to Debbie Burgoyne at the paper company about the berm at the Shorey Brook culvert.  As we suspected, this is for safety so no one drives too close to the crumbling edge of the road and they intend to leave this in place until the bridge goes in. 

Debbie confirmed that the bridge repair is still planned for next September, but they have not yet worked out all cost sharing.  Peter let her know that the association would have a concern if this dragged out past next year.

Peter also spoke to Herb Jordan who totally understands our need to have a backup contractor (or two) if he's not available for spot work.  Herb did indicate that he's not comfortable recommending any because then he feels that he needs to stand behind their work.  Peter will ask Neil Butler from the west side association if he has any names to recommend.

Herb Jordan also mentioned that all roads in the area seem to washboard quickly given how dry it has been.  He doesn't think it is practical to take the top off of the hill near Shorey Brook, not to mention the restrictions on work close to the stream.  However, he suggested that the association consider a different, more durable material on the road from Rt 9 to the fork near the spring.  I asked that he give us a quote next spring.

It was noted that two families are living year-round now.  The Board recognizes that year-round use introduces additional wear on the road and thus additional maintenance costs, and the number of year-round families may increase in the years ahead.  The board will track annual costs to see how those costs should be assessed.

Peter reiterated Marty Lamarche’s concern regarding road width particularly near lot 61, and the minimal shoulder next to the ditch.   Marlene noted that it looks like there is need to do more ditching, especially in light of volunteer efforts the past several years when washouts occur.  We’ll talk to Herb Jordan about that in the spring. 

Brush cutting was completed on both roads.

The board will review outstanding items with Herb Jordan in April, prior to maintenance.
In regards to a backup contractor, Marlene has a name that we can check with.

Election of Officers
Marty and Bob Lamarche are selling their camp.  Understandably, Marty advised Peter that she will be leaving the board effective immediately.

The Board would like to acknowledge Marty and Bob’s service to our community.  They have both served on the board, we believe for all but two years that they have owned their camp.  Their contributions to the Board and to hosting association parties were much appreciated, and they will be missed.

Board members will ask around for volunteers to join the board, to be elected at the annual meeting in August.

Peter volunteered to fill in as Secretary until the annual meeting.

Set Annual Meeting Date
The board agreed to set the annual meeting date for the first Saturday in August as is traditional, which in this case is August 5th

The mailing for the annual meeting should go out approximately 50 days ahead of time, which would be June 16 at the earliest.

As interim Secretary Peter will assemble the mailing.  All materials to be provided to Peter by May 30.

Other Business
Vern Scott passed away last night.  The board will send a card.

Next meeting date was set as April 12.  The Board voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Aten, President


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