Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Minutes to June 19, 2018 Board Meeting

Present: Peter, Jean, Marlene

Meeting called to order at 7:15pm

Prior Meeting Minutes - unanimously accepted

Treasurer's Report - The checking account has a balance of $12,230.68 as of today.  We received a bill from Randy Madden for $1,000 for grading and calcium; the paper company paid the balance for grading as planned.

Road Work/Conditions
  • Most of the road is still in excellent shape
  • A few rocks are coming back up close to Route 9
  • The hill by Shorey Brook
    • The hill is washboarding again.  Calcium was applied but rain didn’t fall for a long time after, allowing the hill to washboard fairly quickly after grading, as it tends to do.  
    • Shorey Brook hill will be an ongoing problem, due to the grade of the hill and the amount of traffic, including non-association traffic, that uses the road and introduces wheel spin.
    • Applying calcium is something we can do ourselves as an association, if we obtain a spreader and are willing to buy the calcium.  A 50lb bag costs $16, 40 bags required for hill (~$640 plus equipment)
    • We can also consider having a contractor apply calcium and/or grade the hill specifically multiple times per year
  • Brush Trimming - Our contractor recommended using a brush hog vs. hand-trimming each year, to make sure the growth stays down.  That will help avoid a big expense of bringing in large equipment as we did last year.

Annual Meeting 
  • For this year the Board will recommending continuing dues at $75 per lot.  Based on increased maintenance requests (calcium, grading multiple times) we may need to increase the assessment in the future.
  • The Board will also introduce a proposal to amend the default amount in the absence of a quorum to the higher of the prior year’s assessment or $75.  
  • Marlene and Mike Sullivan have kindly volunteered to host the party at this time.  
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Aten, President


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