Wednesday, August 15, 2007

BLEHOA 2007 Annual Meeting Minutes

August 4, 2007

10:05 am Meeting called to order by Peter Aten

All Board Members were in attendance with exception of Bob LaMarche. (Marty LaMarche, interim recording secretary.)

Peter Aten welcomes membership and thanks Rick Decarteret, Beddington First Selectman for accepting invitation to attend meeting on behalf of the town.

Review Of Completed Maintenance
(All comments Peter Aten unless otherwise marked)

1. Board members Marlene Sullivan and Brian Govang were acknowledged for their flexibility in being available to work with contractor directly and oversee work.

2. Grading of main road.
Rusty Gaff (lot 28) made a request regarding Shorey Brook Lane, that brush be cut and fill added. Discussion ensued referencing 2006 Annual Meeting decision to maintain only existing roads at the same level of maintenance as provided by the paper company, vs. road building and/or improvement. Marlene Sullivan noted that contractor Herb Jordan has said that none of his equipment can go down Shorey Brook. Discussion ensued regarding what this work might cost. Brian Van Tassel (lot 27) indicated that he had investigated making such improvements, and we may not have ability to do so due to right of way issues and dirt run off into the brook (strict guidelines of EPA). Win Stevens (lot 56) indicated that in Maine, private roads of 4 or more can form separate road maintenance associations.

3. Installed culvert by lot 49.
4. Built up gravel on Shorey Brook hill
5. Cut brush on Eagles’ Cove
6. Minimal grading on Eagles’ Cove Road, based on need
7. Speed limit signs. Thanks to Board member Brian Govang for coordinating the order and installing the signs personally.
8. Reminder to Association members to set example for other by adhering to agreed upon speed limit and informing their guests

Unfinished Work
Some of the larger brush on Eagles’ Cove Rd. remains uncut.

Next Year’s Maintenance Priorities
1. Culverts to prevent washouts…one may need replacing…continue to watch.
2. Grade main road
3. Grade Eagles’ Cove Rd.
4. Cut back brush on main road, before it gets too large and requires larger equipment. We anticipate doing each road every other year.
5. Add gravel where necessary

There was wide agreement among association members that the roads look good.

Review Of Treasurer’s Report
(All comments Brian Govang unless otherwise noted, referencing Treasurer’s report distributed with annual mailing.)

1. Acknowledgement and thanks to association members who included personal notes with payment of annual dues.
2. Treasurer’s report presented with note that approximately $1,000 is still to be spent on wood chipping on Eagles’ Cove.
- Brian Govang clarified Peter’s earlier comments that the board agreed to have the contractor perform this work, based on feedback regarding the Pleasant River Lake association where a fire hazard and impediment to road grading was created when members did similar work.
3. Richard Leeman (lot #18) introduced topic of tree removal, emphatically stating trees are not to be removed from the front of his lot. He wishes to maintain privacy. General Q: Can we mark trees? Peter Aten comments that we will do our best due diligence. Lot 18 owner wishes to be called in advance. Peter will discuss options with contractor.
4. Selectman Ron Varin has provided pamphlets on fire prevention. Members are encouraged to take one.
5. Request for balances to be repeated. After planned expenses, balance will be approximately $5000.
6. Win Stevens, lot 56 moves to accept Treasurer’s report. Second by Nathan Peary, lot 49. All were in favor.

General meeting format question and discussion regarding use of Robert’s Rules of Order
It was agreed that we would follow Robert’s Rules of Order in recognizing those who make and second a motion by name in the meeting minutes.

Yearly Assessment
Peter Aten

1. The Board recommends an assessment of $125 per year, in order to continue to build an emergency fund. It was emphasized that the Association cannot borrow funds, so in the event of an emergency without sufficient funds set aside, work cannot be completed.
2. Question: What is the goal for the emergency fund? Peter indicated that the goal was approximately $10,000.
3. Question: How much have we collected before expenses? Brian Govang referenced the treasurer's report as noted above in answer, approximately $5000.
4. Dave Hazard, lot 36 moves to accept the Board recommendation of $125, Dave Sleeper, lot 19 seconds. All were in favor.

The Board suggests appropriating $100 as a donation to the Beddington Fire Dept., in thanks for the free use of the meeting space and also to show our appreciation for their good work. Nathan Peary, lot 49 moves to accept. Jim Tucker, lot 14 seconds. All were in favor. Brian Govang presented the check to Selectman Rick Decarteret.

Request outside of Association Meeting
Win Stevens notes that Mr. Roach pays for plowing of snow (2 miles of Beddington Lake Rd. East) and would welcome contributions to this effort considering the great expense.

Bylaws, Section 13.2
1. Peter Aten outlines considerations and reasons for concern
2. Question from Carol Aten: Do we have enough votes for the change? Peter indicated that a preliminary count indicates that with members present plus proxies there are the votes needed.
3. Randy Mace asks for clarification regarding the need for match between covenants and bylaws. A lengthy discussion ensues regarding road building association versus a road maintenance association and possible problems in the future. Impact of large landowners. Statement is made regarding purpose of association is solely road maintenance but is concerned with regard to this issue and cost ramifications. Brian comments on difficulty of obtaining ¾ votes and need for urgency in passing a motion today. Questions focus on subdivision and zoning. Rick Decarteret, First Selectman, gives history of attempts in this regard and issues in state funding (requests for grants have been denied) that have plagued the process. He states that wetland zones will eventually be 20 acre parcels but that it is not implemented yet; that the town may have to look for funding; that the protection issues regarding Salmon support our efforts in protecting the environment here; Spruce Mountain subdivision must wait 5 years. New lot owners ask for historical timeline. Randy Mace comments on management of former paper company property which is under the direction of Sustainable Forest Technologies. Rick Decarteret gives history of the public township system in Maine and the legislature’s impact in recent years. Peter Aten stresses need for association to be proactive with regard to development issues impact.
4. Jim Tucker, lot 14 moves to accept the amendment as proposed. Nathan Peary, lot 49 seconds.
5. Marlene takes lot by lot verbal vote.
6. Marlene and Peter count votes: 55 in favor, with 52 required. Motion passed.
7. Peter thanks membership for the options we now have to move forward.

Name Change
1. Rusty Gaff (Lot 28) recommends name change to clarify mission. Carol Aten suggests “Lake Association” to keep options open. Discussion ensues regarding purpose of association and specifically that it is not a homeowners association though some perceive it to be. Last years decision to not be a road “building” association is referenced.
2. Question regarding impact of large owners and the Spruce Mountain issue and the proper venue to discuss these issues. Answering comment notes that broader issues will be addressed by town government with us as homeowners giving input. Town plan and funding issue is referenced and answered by Rick Decarteret. Peter Aten asks how lot owners can be informed of town news. Answer: It’s a small town. Town Hall hours: Every 2 weeks the selectmen meet. Messages are listened to every other day. Marlene: point of reference, anyone can call a meeting of the association. Peter asks for ideas to explore regarding subdivisions and roads. Rick explains state of Maine standards for roads…state laws…paper mill closings and expected changes in towns that have up to this point relied on those jobs. Peter asks for other comments.
3. David Hazard, lot 36 makes motion to add to next year’s meeting a vote to change the name to “Road Maintenance Association”. Bob Lewis, lot 31 seconds. All were in favor.

Election of Officers
Peter Aten asks for members who would like to serve. No members volunteer. Peter points out the need for additional members to participate, as current board members did not sign up for “life”. Peter announces that the current board has agreed to serve another two years. Discussion surrounds need to stagger offices. Win Stevens, lot 56 moves to accept slate of officers as presented. Jason Littlefield, lot 44 seconds. All were in favor.

Misc. Non-Association Issues
Association members encourage others to respect others by not firing (probably illegal) fireworks late at night while others may be sleeping. Encourage driving that helps preserve good road conditions and keeping the area clean by not littering.

Peter Aten announces that if there are no additional road issues, the nonroad issues could be discussed following the meeting.

Marlene moves to adjourn the meeting.
Brian seconds. All were in favor.

Meeting ends at 11:50 am

Respectfully submitted
Martha LaMarche
Interim Recording Secretary


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