Thursday, October 10, 2013

Minutes to August 3, 2013 Annual Meeting

Beddington Lake East Road Maintenance Association
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
Saturday,  August 03,  2013  10:00am
Beddington Town Hall, Rte. 193
Board in Attendence:  Peter Aten, President; Win Stevens, Vice President; Jean Heath, Treasurer; and Steve Grossi, Secretary

Peter Aten welcomed everyone to the meeting

Neil Butler, Beddington First Selectmen, updated association members on town business.  Deb Pollard, Third Selectmen, requested anyone wishing to donate to the “Back-Pack” program, should see her after the meeting.

Meeting called to order by Peter Aten, President. 

Acceptance of the minutes from last year's meeting (August 2012)
Review of the Treasurer's Report
Review of completed and pending road maintenance
Setting maintenance priorities and schedule for the next year
Voting on the annual assessment amount
Election of Officers

Peter asked for a motion to accept last year's Annual Meeting (August 2012) minutes, all in favor.
Jean Heath gave the Treasurer report:  Checking account balanced. 

Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance: $22,300.55
Deposited:  3,425.00
Interest:  39.47
Expenses: (3,675.77)
Ending Balanced: $22,089.25

Motion for the Treasurer's Report to be accepted and approved, all in favor.

Road Conditions:
Herb Jordan graded the main road, along with Eagle Cove and Shorey Brook Road as needed. Marlene Sullivan mentioned Wyman's graded road the main road.  Road in poor condition now, Lumber Company will grade road when they are finished removing wood.

Those in attendance unanimously agreed to maintain the current maintenance priorities and schedule, as well as the assessment of $50 per lot per year.
Win Stevens, Vice President and Steve Grossi, Secretary have resigned their positions as of this meeting (8-03-13).  The members of the Association present thanked them for their service. Marlene Sullivan will be new Vice President and Martha LaMarche will be the new Secretary of the Association by unanimous consent.
Peter Aten recommended the Association donate $100.00 to the Town of Beddington, Fire Department and $ 25.00 for the “Back Pack” program.  All voted in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55am


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