Saturday, August 26, 2006

August 5 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes



Attendance was taken and the Board confirmed that a quorum existed. Thirty-six (36) lots were represented.

Bob LaMarche was nominated and approved as new Secretary of the Association to serve the remainder of the previous Secretary’s term.

Last year’s lot assessment was $100 per member. The Board expressed appreciation for all those who paid promptly. The purpose of the fee was restated: to maintain roads to the same standard as when the property was owned by International Paper (IP). Herb Jordan provided the road maintenance. The anticipated portion of that work was performed in May. An unanticipated emergency repair was done to fix washouts in the first dip of the road after leaving Rte. 9. Jordan does not anticipate any further problem in the area.

The Board then recognized the volunteer contributions of Association members who helped clean out a number of the culverts, as well as brush clearing. It was stated that brush clearing is clearly beyond the scope of volunteer efforts. The Board recognized the contribution of Marlene Sullivan, who negotiated a great price with IP to clear brush along the rest of the road and in so doing saved the Association a substantial sum of money.

Treasurer Brian Govang outlined Association funds spent from June 15 to August 5. Administrative costs during that time amounted to $55, which included snack bar hall rental and Association-related phone calls. As far as road maintenance is concerned, $425 was paid for emergency road repair noted above, and $1,500 was paid to IP for brush trimming on both sides of the main road. The total Association balance as of 8/5/06 was $1,642.53


  1. ROAD MAINTENANCE: A motion was made and passed to continue the routine and emergency maintenance of the same roads and to the same condition as was done when IP owned the property. Any work beyond this commitment would require a vote by Association members. One of the members asked about the possibility of adding Shorey Brook Road to the list of maintained roads. It was stated that this is a road not previously maintained by the paper company, and the effort and expense of upgrading it to a maintainable standard would be prohibitive.
  1. ANNUAL LOT ASSESSMENT: A motion was made and passed to increase the annual lot assessment from $100 to $125 per year to cover routine road maintenance (see No. 1 above) and to cover unforeseen expenses. An earlier suggestion to increase the fee to $150 was discussed before final agreement was reached on the $125 total. One member suggested that the fee be kept at the $100 total and that any emergency would be handled by special request. The President stated that from past experience that type of request does not work. The assessment fee this coming year is intended to cover not only routine road grading and maintenance, but also the trimming of vegetation along both sides of the road for safety/visibility reasons. It was stated that this approach of regular small-scale trimming is preferable to waiting a few years for the brush to grow back in because this year’s work would have cost the Association $12,000.
  1. CONTRIBUTION IN MEMORY OF ROBIN STAEBLER: In recognition of Robin’s service to the Board and Association, a motion was made and passed to contribute $50 on behalf of the Association to a Short-Wave Radio Association Fund established for Robin Staebler by his wife Sally.
  1. SPEED LIMIT SIGNS: A motion was made and passed to authorize the Board to research and secure up to three signs to post speed limits at the most economical cost in an effort to reduce excessive vehicle speeds on the main Association roads. Actual accidents and close calls were described by Association members. One of the accidents was a head-on collision that an ambulance crew didn’t reach for 2.5 hours afterward. These excessive speeds are not limited to cars. ATVs and logging trucks also routinely violate what has always been a 15 mph speed limit. One suggestion to help limit the use of the road by outsiders and reduce speed is to have real estate For Sale signs at the junction of Rte. 9 and East Beddington Lake Road removed if the company currently does not have an active listed property on the road.


  1. TERMS OF BOARD MEMBERS: The election of a new Board of Officers at next year’s annual meeting means that all Association members should consider serving in some capacity. A suggestion was made to stagger the elections of Board members (rather than elect all posts at the same time) in order to create a smoother chain of succession. This suggestion will be explored in coming months.
  1. ASSOCIATION WEBSITE: Carol Aten outlined the features of the revised Association website which will allow members to post messages to Board members. Members should use this resource and not assume that Board members are already aware of specific situations or problems because none of them live at the lake year-round. A sign-up sheet was passed around the room asking for e-mail addresses. Association members can use the website to not only send messages, but also to contribute comments and photos about life, environmental observations and wildlife sightings around the lake. The website will feature excellent links for general interest, resources for lakeside living and even up-to-date water depth charts. Members can see the website at and contact Carol if they would like the ability to post their own comments and/or photos to the site (use the “Email Blog/Web Admin” link on the site).
  1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Several suggestions were made that should be considered by all Association members. These include the following: 1. The increased use of water by lake residents carries with it the responsibility to maintain overall water quality and one way to do that is by using a non-phosphate laundry detergent; 2. Before starting any construction project, septic installation, well drilling or tree removal work, contact a DEP representative or Wilma Loughlin, Beddington’s new construction code officer (after the meeting, it was learned that Lew Hutchins retired earlier this spring), to make sure you are not violating any regulations. This can save you time and expensive fines; 3. Speaking of new wells, make sure to have your water tested for safe drinking; 4. Because owners can now rent their properties, it is their obligation to find responsible clients and communicate guidelines to ensure that the lake and surrounding property is protected from harm and that other residents not be disturbed by inappropriate behavior. The consensus of members in attendance was that these issues were outside of the charter of the Association to address. However, the Board welcomed the active participation and information sharing by Association members.


A motion was made and passed to hold next year’s annual meeting at the same time of year, date to be determined by the Board. The meeting was then adjourned.


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